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In the middle of the night, Zhao Qian gave her the money he was supposed to give.

In addition, he rewarded with five taels of silver.

After all, she delivered a kid to him.

He didn't care about the sex of the child.

After all, it was born by Brother Zhou.

Distressed and loved, but just in accordance with the custom, everyone is happy.

The midwife received a large sum of silver, which was more than the amount of silver she had paid for a few trips.

After saying a few pleasant words, she returned with a smile.

After the person left, Brother Zhou leaned on the soft pillow that Zhao Qian had arranged for him. Seeing that the usual calm and fierce man felt his mouth teasing the child, his tone was soft.

"Choose a name for the baby, Brother Zhao "

Zhao Qian hugged the baby around twice.

Hearing Shaoyu's words, he stopped and thought about it. He didn't think about naming the baby before, but he wasn't sure about the baby's gender, so he didn't advance.

After taking a look at the little boy, he said, "Why do n't you call Zhao Muyu." 

Brother Zhou himself has no literacy.

As long as Zhao Qian's name is of no significance, he just doesn't know why the name has the same word as him.

Zhao Qian hugged the child and explained it again.

"Zhao Qian loves Zhou Shaoyu." As
soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Ge'er understood immediately, and his face blushed involuntarily after he had recovered a little complexion.

"How? It's okay?"

Brother Zhou paused and looked away. "Brother Zhao likes it."

Zhao Qian asked deliberately, "Does Shaoyu like it?"

"No, no, I think it's good. "

Zhao Qian laughed.

"It's late at night and you're tired, so take a good rest and sleep."

Zhou Ge'er nodded, he is indeed very sleepy, now that the child is born safely, Zhao Ge is also back.

He was relieved of the burden, and his heart was at ease.

Zhao Qian took the baby boy to take care of the nanny.

The nanny was found before the child was born.

He knew that caring for such a small boy would be very hard. When Shao Yu was pregnant, it was already hard enough. He didn't want the baby to be born now. It's still so hard, so it's okay to find a nanny to share it.

Because it was a night of labor, the servants were all in turmoil.

He dismissed the servants and let them go back to their rooms to rest.

Tomorrow morning, he had to do something.

After simply dealing with the family affairs, he turned back and went back to the room again. By now Brother Zhou had fallen asleep, and his breathing was steady.

He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him for a long time, with a smile on his mouth, and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

The next day, Zhao Qian got up early.

He personally went to the kitchen to cook for the boy.

However, he guessed that the boy was exhausted yesterday and may start late today. He boiled some eggs, and used the old hen to boil chicken soup.

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