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"Ahnee!" Brother Zhou was holding his nose, and he got up early this morning and was chilly.

He felt bad.

As expected, he started to sneeze soon, his nose was congested and dizzy, and he didn't dare to hold the child. 

Zhao Qian asked the doctor to go, and in this gap, he was serving tea and water.

Zhao Qian touched his forehead, and asked softly.

"It's a bit hot and hot. Last night"

He wanted to say why he had to wear so little, but after seeing his wife's sad eyes, in order to be able to have surprises in the future, he immediately turned the conversation and put the responsibility on himself.

"It's all because I didn't cover you with the quilt. It's such a cold day."

With that said, Zhou Ge'er's face improved a little, and he said.

"Don't join me. It's so close, I'm afraid it might get you on." 

"Don't worry, a little fever can't infect me."

He asked Xiao He to get a thick cloak to wrap around the boy, and the two were in the hall.

Waiting for the doctor to come, it's still early, he guess the medical center hasn't opened yet, and it will take a long time for the doctor's home to invite someone. 

After waiting for a long time, the doctor did not come, but Zhong Jiu came first.

Zhong Jiu was led to the hall by his servants, and he watched the couple's love as before.

It didn't seem to have happened yesterday.

He coughed in embarrassment and reminded Zhao Qian weakly. "Boss Zhao?"

Zhao Qian helped Brother Zhou tidy up the corners of his clothes, looked at the man with red nose, rubbed his hair distressedly, and said casually to Zhong Jiu. "How is the situation, you can just talk about it."

Zhong Jiu His pupils widened slightly, isn't this to make him offend Zhou Fulang again!


"That's what you said, Shaoyu will know sooner or later." Zhao Qian sat idle beside Brother Zhou, looking at Zhong Jiu, who looked like his mother-in-law.

"The women you asked to ask about, I went to find out. They came from the southern area. They were originally well-known singers in the south of the Yangtze River. However, they fled all the way because of the war in the south, and it took several months to arrive at our market. "

Zhao Qian's eyebrows moved, and the county fair area was to the northwest.

Because it was far away from the war-torn place, it was unaffected. He only occasionally heard people say twice, knowing the things in the south. It has been several months now, he heard that the war has gradually subsided.

"Then you have asked them what they plan to do in the future?"

"A few girls have suffered a lot on the way to escape. Now I heard that although the war has settled in the South, they have no energy to go back. They just want to settle down in the market. Eat food."

Zhao Qian: "That would be great! You invite them to Rixian, I will talk to them. Remember, keep quiet and don't lead people to gossip."

Zhong Jiu, and then glanced at Brother Zhou on one side, with a strange expression.

Yesterday, he heard Boss Zhao inquiring about the singer, and his face turned black.

How can he say that this happened? 

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