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At night, Zhao's family lighted a small oil lamp, and the gray-yellow light made the small room warm.

There was a pot of chowder soup and a jar of wine on the small table in the hall. Zhao Qian, who said that he didn't love wine so much, couldn't help but open the wine given by Brother Zhou at night.

This wine was better than Hu San'er last time. The ones that come should be more intense, with less water, presumably the price is a lot more expensive.

"You really don't drink it?" He made a bowl of himself.

Brother Zhou shook his head.

He didn't reluctantly, he just ranted a random sentence. "How cute you are when you are drunk."

Zhou Ge'er's chopsticks while picking up vegetables, his ears were a little red.

"Don't make fun of me about that."

"It was originally . Ah."

He picked up a piece of fish and put it in Brother Zhou's bowl. Seeing that his face moved when he closed his lips and chewed vegetables, he felt that he even looked so good at eating after he was reconciled.

"You caught so many fish today, are you out to the sea again?" Brother Zhou thought for a while and asked.

"Well, I went to fight where I went last time."

Zhou Ge'er looked up at him and saw him carelessly, reminding him. "The far sea is too dangerous. Don't go that far next time."

He worried today. It's been a day, but he can't tell.

"It's not as dangerous as you think. It's not good to come back, but when I went to the island today, I found out..."

Before he could finish his words, the door of the joint suddenly opened with a bang. The oil lamp went out in an instant, and the house plunged into darkness.

Brother Zhou stood up screaming and looked outside the house, there was no one outside. 

Zhao Qian also dropped his chopsticks.

He faced the door, and the wind blew his hair a little messy.

He walked over and patted Brother Zhou on the shoulder. "It's okay, it might be a strong wind."

After that, he walked outside the house. The wind outside was indeed very strong. The loose clothes were blown and clung to his chest. The sea breeze was more salty than before. Looking at the distant coast, it was dark. He feel that the sea has receded so much, and the coastline seems to have moved far.

For some reason, he always felt faintly uneasy, just like on the island today. It was even more intense at this moment.

Instead of going to the coast to find out, he ran back to the house and quietly moved the fish tank into the space.

Brother Zhou didn't know what he was doing. When he came over with a lame heel, he saw him rushing out from the back of the house again and running into the house.

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Qian entered the stove with a ping-pounding sound, mixed with his slightly flustered voice. "Shaoyu, I think something is wrong, you go and pack some things, let's run!"

"Run? Why are you running?" Brother Zhou was a little flustered by what he said.

Although he was puzzled, his feet still obeyed his words and moved towards the inner room.

Zhao Qian also ran into the back room. There was nothing valuable in it.

From the broken wooden cabinet, he found two worn thick clothes. One was put on by himself, and the other was put on by Brother Zhou. It was here.

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