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As soon as New Year's Eve is over, it is the first day of the second year.

It has been snowing for several days on the mountain, and the open area is covered with thick snow. For the sake of safety, everyone has not gone out to work in the past few days.

Taking advantage of the cold wind outside the cave, before everyone got up, Zhao Qian asked Brother Zhou to go out together early.

The two went to the river together.

There was already a thin layer of ice on the river. He knocked a hole with a sickle, and the water underneath was still flowing.

"Do you want to catch fish?" Brother Zhou craned his neck and watched him knock the ice cubes more and more badly.

Zhao Qian threw a bucket to him.

"Put the river water in the bucket."

Brother Zhou packed it up according to his words. He carried most of the bucket of water ashore. It was cold in winter, so he packed the water and put it on overnight. It will become a big ice cube the next day.

He wants to store more ice cubes during the winter. When the time comes, the ice cubes can be broken into pieces to store the fish longer and keep the fish fresh.

In fact, he started preparing when it snowed, and there were already more than 20 large ice cubes in the space at this time.

When he put the marine fish in the space before, after more than a month, the marine fish were still alive and kicking.

He faintly guessed that the space can not only store things, but also keep the original shape of the stored things.

For experimentation, he put ice cubes.

Going in, as expected, so many days have passed, the ice cube hasn't changed in any way, and now he let Brother Zhou be together, just to not work in vain.

After Brother Zhou listened, he quickly got busy.

In fact, he didn't waste much time.

After all, he just fetched water for a while, and then put the bucket in a hidden place to prevent everyone from seeing it.

"I took out three buckets, and I can't store many ice cubes." After the water was finished, Brother Zhou said.

"At night, I will take out the buckets when everyone is asleep, and put the buckets back the next day before everyone gets up. If they are taken out during the day, they will be suspicious."

Brother Zhou sighed, knowing that there is no way for others to know about space. The two of them stood on the bank of the river. They were all right when they were idle.

Brother Zhou took out a slingshot from his waist, which was made when there was nothing wrong in the cave a few days ago.

Zhao Qian saw that the slingshot was still delicate, and beckoned. "Come on, let Brother Zhao show you two hands."

Brother Zhou glanced at him and saw his confident look, so he picked a few from the ground. Stone, hand him the slingshot together with the stone.

Zhao Qian pressed the stone on the slingshot, facing up to a sparrow squatting on the dead tree, slightly narrowed his eyes, let go of his hand suddenly, and the stone flew out.

The sparrow chirped for a while, stood firmly on the spot, and looked at Zhao Qian who had jumped with his eyes down. The bird did not hit, but it knocked down the snow on the branches, covering the two of them.

Zhao Qian shook the snowflakes on her body, and coughed dryly. "I just sent my hand too fast. I made a mistake. Brother Zhao is very powerful."

Brother Zhou grabbed the snowflakes from his neck, gave a grimace, and re-delivered it.

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