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It was almost noon when Zhao Qian woke up. Instead of waking up naturally, he was awakened by a panting outside the house.

He was in the barbecue business.

He used to be black and white. He worked at night and slept during the day. In addition, he was tired for another day yesterday, so he slept longer.

When he got up from the bed, Zhou Ge'er on the sleeping floor was already gone, and even the blankets on the ground were cleaned up. He stepped on the slippers, his mind was a little groggy, and he walked out of the back room and saw Zhou Ge'er sitting.

On the small bench, with one foot cocked, sweat beads on his forehead, several bloody footprints mixed with water on the ground, and a small pool of blood beside the stool.

"What's going on!" His mind instantly awoke and went over quickly.

Brother Zhou didn't know that he was in the room, and was taken aback.

He stepped on the ground with his cocked legs and looked at him in panic.

"Are you still at home?" Zhao Qian didn't know where to fool around at this hour.

Zhao Qian nodded and stared at his feet.

"Let me take a look."

Zhou Ge'er received his feet and stepped back.

The body's resistance was obvious.

"No, it's okay." 

"It's okay. More blood?" Zhao Qian squatted down and lifted his feet up, hurting the soles of the feet.

The upper part was bloody, blood was still bleeding from the wound, and there was a wound as long as a little finger.

The feet have thick skin and thick skin.

How could it be possible to have such a big hole if it weren't for a sharp thing.

After reading it, Zhao Qian got up and went to the back room. He saw a jug of wine in the room last night, which was just used for disinfection.

When Brother Zhou saw him coming out with a wine jug, he didn't know what he was going to do. When he knew that he was going to use wine to sterilize him, he couldn't help but feel a little shocked. Zhao Qian loved to drink, but his wine is precious.

Now he wanted to refuse to use it to disinfect himself. Zhao Qian looked at his tangled expression and thought he was afraid of pain.

After all, he was a teenager, so he rarely comforted him. "Don't move, you will be well soon."

He drenched the wound with wine, and Zhou's eyebrows were knotted together, which seemed to be very painful, but he didn't even grunt after gritting his teeth, but he underestimated him.

After disinfection, he quickly found cloth strips and bandaged him.

This kind of thing he did very quickly.

After all, he used to get injured frequently in fights, and there were countless cuts and bruises.

Over time, he was very handy in handling such things.

After the wound was treated, he began to question how Brother Zhou had made such a big hole in the sole of his foot. 

Brother Zhou hardened his temper and didn't want to explain so much, but due to his intimidation, he still briefed the matter.

The food at home had already seen the bottom. The rain outside this morning was much lighter, and it slowly cleared up.

He wanted to catch some fish and come back to eat.

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