Chapter 11

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Cerce fumbled with the keys to her door. Luke stared at her. She looked nervous for some reason.

When she opened the door Luke was only allowed to take a peek inside before Cerce crawled inside and slammed the door in embarrassment.

"Stay out there for a minute while I clean this up." She said through the door.

Luke sighed and waited for about a minute before Cerce reopened the door.

"Sorry Luke. I emptied out all my clothes on the floor this morning looking for my cloak." She said before Luke had a chance to whine about it.

"You were never the one to care about your room much. You never cared about it when I walked in back on Earth. In fact, I am pretty sure I saw some of your underwear every now and then."

Cerce turned a brighter red than anything he had ever seen before.

"Calm down Cerce." Luke said chuckling. He looked behind him to see that the door was still open. He gently closed it shut.

Then Cerce felt her emotions pour out of her. Emotions that she had locked up since the moment she saw Luke. She ripped him onto the couch and dove on him.

"LUKE!!!" She cried out as she hugged him.

Luke laughed as he hugged her back. He understood right away. He had also been fighting the urge to hug her all day too.

"Sorry." Cerce said after a few moments. "It just feels so good to see you again."

"Same here." Luke agreed. He looked around the room. The girls' dorm rooms were the same as the guys'. There was a kitchen and living room where the couch folded into a bed. There was also one bathroom.

"Why don't we get some pajamas on? It's been a long day; it would be nice just to relax. Don't you think?"

Cerce looked down in embarrassment. "I don't own any pajamas."

Luke stared at her. He remembered her mentioning on the way over that she was very poor. Luke figured she must have had it pretty rough over the past five years.

He smiled at her. "You can just borrow mine. I have an extra pair in my bag." He quickly dug through his backpack and pulled out blue sweatpants and a matching blue long sleeve shirt. "Here" he said throwing them to her.

"Thanks" Cerce said as she caught them. "I will be right back then." And with that Cerce ducked into the bathroom to change.

Luke quickly jumped into his black and red pajamas that his mom had bought for him last Christmas.

When Cerce came out, Luke chuckled a bit. His clothes, especially his shirt, were way too big on her. Luke was about 5'11, while Cerce was only 5'6, and the height difference truly showed now.

"I look ridiculous." Cerce whined.

Luke laughed again. "Actually, a lot of guys would think that is kind of cute you know."

Cerce stare became intense. "What do you think about it then?"

Luke gulped. That was a death question. If he answered yes, she would call him a pervert. If he answered no, she would cry. There was no way to win.

He let out a breath. It was a good thing that he lived with a teenage girl, so he knew what to do.

He started to laugh. "Come on Cerce, you are wearing pajamas! What am I supposed to say?"

Cerce smiled and Luke was finally relieved. Then Luke's stomach growled.

"Looks like it's time to eat"

Luke nodded. "What should we have? Is there food in the cabinets?"

Cerce walked into the kitchen and examined her choices. The school provided a little food for the first few nights, and the rest was to be bought from local markets with CR points.

"Hey there is hamburger meat!" She exclaimed after examining the fridge.

"Sweet! I'll help you make it." Luke said joining her.

"I can't let you do that. You are my guest. I have to make it myself." She slammed the frozen meat onto the counter.

Luke lit the area around the package, defrosting it almost instantly. Cerce frowned at him. He flashed a big grin back at her.

"I am helping you whether you want me to or not." Luke said firmly. "There is nothing you can say to change that."

Cerce smiled. She knew he was right. Luke hadn't changed much in the past five years. He was still as stubborn as ever.

Cerce got the scissors out of the cabinets and cut the package out. All while getting cheese out of the fridge and grabbing a pan from below the counter.

"Jeez. You sure are used to using your abilities for everything." Luke said amazed.

Cerce looked around at the floating objects. She giggled. "Well after I figured out how it worked, I guess it just became natural to use it all the time. Plus, it's fun!"

So Luke tried it. Cerce held up the meat in midair while Luke cooked them. The hamburgers were done in no time at all.

"You were right, that was pretty fun." Luke said as he took his first bite. "Delicious!" He exclaimed.

Cerce nodded in agreement. "Cheeseburgers are so yummy."

After dinner, Luke and Cerce sat on the couch. They had the TV on but the volume was low. They wanted to talk more.

"So, what did you guys do while I was gone? Did you ever ask out Sarah?" Cerce said quickly. During the last year that Cerce was on Earth, she had been helping Luke attempt to ask out a girl that he liked.

Luke scratched his head. "That didn't go so well." Luke was good with crowds, but he was an awkward mess when it came to interactions with people individually.

Cerce sighed. "You are so helpless without me."

"Pretty much." He flashed her a big grin. "I actually never got to asking her. After you left, I kind of stopped liking her."

"So you still have never had a girlfriend?"

Luke grinned at her again. "Why? Are you interested?"

Cerce turned red. "N-n-no!" And Luke cracked up. "Shut up Luke!" Cerce said still very embarrassed.

He sighed. "No girlfriend here. Single for life right?"

Cerce shrugged.

"So what have you been doing on Trabachi?"

"Hunting Creation Pawns. I have been doing that ever since I learned how to fight."

Luke was surprised by the sudden seriousness of her voice.

"That explains why you were so good at fighting." Luke added.

Cerce shook her head. "I don't want to talk about that part of me anymore. Let's leave it in the past.

Luke nodded. Then Cerce snuggled up against him.

"This is just like when we were kids and I used to sneak into your room at night." Cerce said closing her eyes. "We always used to snuggle like this."

Luke was now leaning on the side of the wall with his arm around Cerce. She fit perfectly in his arms, as if she was meant to be there. And together they slowly drifted asleep.

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