Chapter 52

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The following morning, Daniel granted everyone the day off, although this was a mere excuse so he could take Riley on a "makeup date".  Maya and Rio still hadn't returned from the hotel with Maya's parents, and Toby had left early in the morning to do some errands.  This meant Luke and Cerce were all alone.

            The silence was killing Cerce.  Luke looked like he was really uncomfortable around her.  Had she made a huge mistake by kissing him?  The thought was too much to bare.  She ran away, shouting that she was going to get Maya and that she would see him at lunch.

            Luke's mind was an absolute mess.  He stayed up all night trying to figure out what had happened.  Of course, he understood she had kissed him.  It was more like he couldn't believe it.  He thought they were just friends.  Could this mean that Cerce actually liked him?  Was it possible?  All of these questions were swirling in his mind.  Luke had never really had a girl like him in that way before, so he had no idea what he was supposed to believe it should feel like.  For all he knew, she could have just simply kissed him because she wanted to.  He had no idea if it was actually romantic or not.

            Luke decided to take a walk down the path by the lake.  He enjoyed the scenery and fresh air.  It helped keep his mind off of Cerce.  His hometown was not near any body of water, so it was even nicer to watch.  Luke watched a group of kids chase the tiny waves rolling up on the "beach".  They seemed like they were having fun, and their laughter echoed throughout the entire park.

            Then Luke noticed a young girl with silver hair sitting against a tree.  She was deeply focused on her sketchbook, but she occasionally looked up at the kids playing in the water.

            Luke snuck up behind her and took a look at her drawing.  It was unlike anything he had ever seen before.  He looked down at the girl.  There was no way this girl was any older than twelve.  How was she so good at drawing?

            The girl noticed him staring and quickly hid the drawing against her body.

            Luke smiled at the girl.  "Your drawings are really good.  You shouldn't be embarrassed."

            The girl looked at him.  Slowly, she revealed her drawing.  It was a beautiful scene of exactly everything she could see from that position.

            The girl sniffed the air.  Something caught her attention, and her eyes narrowed at Luke.

            "Godkid," she muttered.

            Luke was immediately on alert.  "Where did you hear that word?"

            The silver haired girl put down her sketchbook and stood up.  Just as she did, Daniel appeared behind them.

            "Luke!  What's up?" he called out.  He and Riley came over to greet him.  Once they got closer, they were able to sense the tension in Luke's eyes.  They looked at the girl he stared so intensely at.

            "You carry the Triblade, correct?" the girl asked.

            Luke nodded.

            The girl spread her arms wide and pointed her index and middle finger outwards.  The tips of these fingers began to glow white.  With her right hand, the girl traced a large circle.  When the circle was complete, she stuck her hand into the hole.

            Out of this circle, the girl pulled out a large cleaver-sword.  The sword had strange marking on it, which Luke was able to recognize as the ancient writing used by the ancestors of Trabachi that they learned about in school.

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