Chapter 12

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Daniel gently closed the door behind him.

"I sure hope those two will be okay." Daniel muttered.

Riley just stared at him.

"We are alone." She said suddenly.

Daniel grabbed two water bottles from the fridge and sat down on the couch. Riley immediately sat right next to him. Daniel ignored this and handed her a bottle.

"I saw three couples kiss today."

Daniel spat out all the water he had in his mouth.

"Why would you say that?" He sputtered.

Riley looked down and started playing with her fingers. "We haven't kissed yet." Her face turned red and she launched Daniel off the couch and into the wall.

"Ouch!" Daniel said angrily. "You need to stop acting violent whenever you are embarrassed. We aren't a couple, so it doesn't matter if we haven't kissed yet." He got back up and sat on the couch on the other side of Riley. Riley quickly resumed her position on Daniel's arm.

"Not all of them were couples."

Daniel rolled his eyes. "We aren't engaged either."

Riley stared at him.

"Stop it now Riley. I am not kissing you. Not now, not ever." Daniel immediately covered his mouth. His words were much too harsh.

Tears welled up in Riley's eyes. Daniel sighed.

"Don't cry Riley." He said wiping her tears with his thumb. His fingers accidently came across the cut on her face, causing Riley to flinch. Daniel tightened his fist.

Riley saw the pain on Daniel's face and cover the cut with her hand.

"I wish I had snapped out of it sooner. I could have stopped him before he got to you."

"It is just a scratch."

Daniel slammed his fist down on the side of the couch. "But it was my job to protect you. I failed."

Riley shrugged. "I am alive."

Daniel sighed. "I guess so."

"Thank you for protecting me. I love you Daniel."

"Riley," Daniel stuttered. "You know that it is impossible. You have a fiancé."

"I don't want to marry Jack."

"Your father set it up. You can't go against his wishes. Jack is the man he choose for you for when you become Queen one day."

Riley began crying again. "I hate Jack. He is horrible. And I am not in love with him; I am in love with you."

"You haven't known him for that long. I am sure Jack will make a great husband for you. You will come to like him."

"I want to be with you." Riley said firmly.

Daniel frowned. "I am just your bodyguard. I don't even know how all of this happened. You aren't supposed to fall in love with me."

Riley stared at the floor, and then glazed up in thought. "You are the only person who has ever treated me normally. Everyone is always so formal around me and can never act like themselves. You are different. You don't care that I am royalty. You act like yourself anyway. You aren't afraid of being the real you. You treat me the same way as you do with everyone else."

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