Chapter 27

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Riley raced around the castle in absolute panic. Out of the countless times that her cousin has stolen Daniel away from her, this time seemed far more dangerous. There was something in Jasmine's eyes that scared Riley.

Riley knew a very horrifying fact: Daniel and Jasmine were compatible with each other as Altaisis. Riley was also compatible, but Daniel didn't seem to know about this. Jasmine was clearly just as in love with Daniel as she was. Riley definitely didn't want to lose Daniel to her.

As she searched room after room for Daniel, and she began to believe in the possibility that Daniel might actually hate her. Daniel had once said that he would marry her, but she was beginning to wonder if those words still held meaning after all of these years. He always said that it didn't, but she had always thought that he was just being shy around his friends.

Daniel promised that he wouldn't leave her. Jasmine couldn't take him away. Jasmine couldn't take him away from her when he promised that he would stay with Riley.

Yet with each empty room she found, Riley began to worry even more. The image of Daniel saying goodbye to her was starting to become real.

Riley finally arrived at the East Tower, one of Jasmine's favorite hiding spots to take Daniel. She quickly opened the door partially and poked her head inside. To her relief, Daniel was there, standing alone with no Jasmine in sight with his back facing her.

Riley stepped inside and walked over to him, just as Jasmine, hidden behind Daniel's large body, leaned in to make the final move.

Riley's heart sank to the bottom of her stomach. Tears welled up in her eyes as she ran out of the room.

"Riley!" Daniel shouted after her, but his voice was already too far behind her.

It was Riley's absolute worst nightmare come to life. It was exactly what she had feared ever since she fell in love with him. The day had finally come.

She raced into her room and locked the door tight. Then, she collapsed onto her bed and cried as hard as she could. What she had seen was clear to her. Daniel really was in love with Jasmine after all. He would have never accepted her kiss if he didn't have feelings for her that way. Riley was just a bother for him after all. She remembered all of the times she tried to make a move on him. He usually just sat there and accepted whatever she did to him, but he never approached her first. Every time someone asked if they were together, Daniel went out of his way to deny it. Clearly, having her around was just bothersome to Daniel since his real love was Jasmine all along.

Daniel, the one and only person that she truly cared about, was gone. He wasn't going to be there for her. He didn't feel the same feelings that she felt for him. She knew that her love for him would never be requited.

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