Chapter 24

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Cerce gently closed the door and turned to Luke.

"What do you want to do?" She asked him.

Luke dumped his stuff on the floor and collapsed on the couch.

"What a long day." He said as he nestled into the cushions.

Cerce sat down at the only part of the couch that Luke hadn't been covering up. She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

Luke sat up as she flipped through the channels.

"Hey! There's a scary movie on! Let's watch it!"

Cerce shook her head. "I get scared too easily."

Luke gave her a confused look. "How could you be afraid of anything anymore? You have awesome super-powers! You could beat up any bad guy."

Cerce looked down. "I still get scared."

"Please can we watch it? There is nothing to be afraid of."

Cerce groaned. "Fine."

Luke grinned. "Thanks Cerce." Cerce moved next to him. By the first scary part in the movie, Cerce's face was buried in Luke's chest.

Luke chuckled. "Cerce, the movie is over, you can look now."

Cerce opened her eyes and blushed. "I am sorry Luke! I am such a coward. I didn't mean to do that. I am sorry. It must have been uncomfortable for you while I was like that."

Luke shrugged. "Actually, I think it is kind of cute when you do that."

Cerce blushed again.

Luke grabbed the remote and switched the channel to something about animals. Then he looked out the window.

"The night sky is amazing here. There are so many more stars than on Earth."

"You are right."

"I wonder where Trabachi really is in relation to Earth." Luke said out loud.

"I don't care. I am just happy that you guys are here."

Luke noticed that Cerce was beginning to look down, so he decided to cheer her up in the only way he knew how. Being an idiot.

Luke let out a fake yawn and stretched his arms. Then he let his hand fall down, so that his arm was around Cerce.

Cerce giggled and pushed Luke's arm away. "Really? That is the oldest trick in the book."

"But it was funny right?"

Cerce rolled her eyes. "My eyes are going to roll into the back of my head if you keep doing this."

Luke just laughed.

After a few moments, Cerce noticed something on her hand. Luke's hand was on top of hers. His hand felt really nice and warm. She suddenly wanted him to wrap his fingers around hers.

Luke noticed also, and quickly removed his hand. It had been a complete accident, but Luke knew that he could use this to have some fun. He had to make it seem like he was just messing with her to relieve the potential awkward atmosphere. Using his index and middle fingers, Luke made his hand walk over to hers while pretending to look away.

Cerce giggled as Luke's hand reached hers. "You have got to be the most cliché boy in the world. That trick is such a stupid way to get a girl to hold your hand."

Luke frowned and pulled his hand away. Surprisingly, Cerce reached out and snatched it back.

Luke stared at her. Cerce blushed. "I said it was stupid, not that it doesn't work." Then she leaned up against him.

Now it was Luke's turn to blush. "Alright then." He cleared his throat. "Let's see if there is something else to watch."

Cerce smiled. She noticed that Luke's palm was a little sweaty, but she didn't mind at all. She tightened her grip then loosened it again. Cerce snuggled up against Luke's chest as he continued to flip through channels.

Finally, after ten minutes of searching, they couldn't find anything to distract them.

"It is getting late." Luke observed. "Why don't we get pajamas on?"

Cerce looked down at their interlocked hands. She didn't want to let go. She wanted to hold that hand forever. Her other hand reached inside her pocket and rubbed the smooth surface of a picture.

"Sounds like a good idea." And she went into the bathroom to change into Luke's extra pajamas.

Luke also stood up and began changing.

When Cerce walked back into the room, Luke had just taken his shirt off.

"Wow," Cerce said impressed. "I guess I am living every girl's dream. Nice muscles Luke."

Luke looked at himself. "It is just from boxing."

"Well you definitely hit puberty."

"Same goes to you." Luke said nodding to Cerce's chest.

"Don't go saying things that will get you smacked." Cerce said coldly. Then she went back to admiring Luke. "Seriously though, you are like a model."


"Uh Luke?"

"What's up?"

"How long do you plan on standing there with your shirt off?" Cerce said giggling.

Luke blushed as he quickly put on his pajama shirt.

Cerce then pulled Luke onto the couch again. Cerce wasted no time and went straight for Luke's hand.

"What is this?" Luke said surprised. "I am starting to believe that you actually want to hold my hand."

"Oh shut up." Cerce said thinking quickly. "This is out of pity. You would never get a girl with those silly tricks of yours. I feel bad for you since you have no chance of getting a girlfriend anyway."

In reality, Cerce wasn't sure why she had done it. Of course, she had feelings for Luke, but this was something different. She was craving him. It was as if every fiber of her being wanted to be next to him. His touch was like an electric shock that her body was becoming addicted to. She didn't know what this feeling was. Some force was pulling her towards him. It was much more than just a simple crush.

"Harsh..." Luke muttered.

Then they were quiet for a few moments.

"It is hard to believe everything that has happened this past month isn't it?" Cerce said softly.

"Everything happened so fast. Suddenly I am the reincarnation of a legendary hero, I have to save two worlds, and now the man who wants to kill everyone on Earth has been revealed to be my principal. It is hard to comprehend," Luke said gazing off into the blank TV screen.

Cerce snuggled up against him. "You will get used to it eventually."

Then Luke remembered that she had to deal with this all by herself. It was a miracle that she had kept her sanity for so long. It was a miracle that she was still alive.

Luke was very thankful for that.

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