Episode 26: Aqua!

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"No, you stupid shut-in neet! Are you blind?! My eyes are blue, my hair is blue! I'm the goddess of water!"

Hello everyone and welcome to the 26th Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Today's episode is all about the "goddess" of water, Aqua!


Aqua is one of the main protagonists of Konosuba, which first aired on Tokyo MX in Japan on January 14, 2016 and Crunchyroll in America on January 25, 2019. Her Japanese VA is Sora Amamiya while her dub VA is Faye Mata.





Background and Personality

Aqua is high-spirited, cheerful, and carefree, but rarely thinks about the consequences of her actions. While she doesn't force her beliefs onto others, Aqua always acts or speaks on her whims, which can make her behave inappropriately in many situations. She's also very easy to offend as just calling her useless will trigger her. Since Aqua, as a goddess, thrives on praise/worship points, she usually performs good deeds, but then immediately ruins her own merits by seeking praises aggressively and persistently, making her very vain.

Friends & Allies

Kazuma, Megumin, Darkness, YunYun, Wiz, Chavo, Patty, Ira & Patrick


SpongeBob, Aisha, Laura, Kazuma, Minami, Rachel, Eris & Inori


Reina & Elda

Inclusion and Role in the Show

Like the rest of the Konosuba crew, Aqua made her debut in Episode 5: New Heroes. Unlike Kazuma, Aqua is fairly a minor character in series.

Relationships with Other Characters

Kazuma: Aqua's BRF, or "Best Rival Forever". To learn more about their relationship, check out Kazuma's character log.

The El Chavo Crew: Chavo & co are often gaslit to believe Aqua's anything but useless. AND she used to get away with it. That is, until the others bothered to tell them the truth. Chavo still believes her power is legit tho...

Minami: Aqua thinks Minami is trying to steal her "mojo" because of Minami's title of "The Princess of the Sea".

Laura: Aqua's most bitter rival due to their mutual arrogance.

And that concludes the 26th Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Next episode will be about the boy genius amongst the Nicktoons, Jimmy Neutron! Until then, thanks for reading and I'll see you all next time!

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