Episode 42: April!

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"This is killing me inside, Damn it!"

Hello everyone and welcome to the 42nd Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Today's episode is all about the Babe of Thighs and Wind, April!


April is one of the main protagonists of Glitter Force, which first aired on TV Asahi in Japan on February 5, 2012 and on Netflix in America on December 18, 2015.

Background and Personality

April is said to have a strong sense of justice and doesn't easily forgive one's wrong actions, and is also very courageous, despite having stupid fears like insects and ghosts. She's also a champion at sports, especially at Soccer. After all, how else did she get such thicc thighs? She's also very protective of her family as she'd kill ANYONE who would dare hurt them as losing ANY of them is her worst fear.

Inclusion and Role in the Show

Like the rest of the Glitter Force gals, April made her debut in the very beginning and has been a series staple ever since then. In the 1st and 2nd Seasons, she's been a rather minor character, but in Season 3, she's been getting more and more screentime thanks to Deondre, officially making her a major character.

Relationships with Other Characters

Chloe: Chloe is April's childhood friend. Whenever April's in a bad mood or has a problem, Chloe's always the first person to help her out. Even when they both started to fall in love with Deondre, their friendship never faltered.

Deondre/StarHero64: Deondre is April's crush as she fell for him back in Episode 107: Love for the Glitter Force when he sang April's theme with his S Tier singing. While Deondre would never think of dumping Chloe, he also loves April as well.

Lincoln Loud: Lincoln is completely jealous of April's ability to take care of all his siblings and wishes to know her secrets.

Kelsey: Kelsey and April are friendly rivals as they're the Sports Queens of Precure and frequently compete against each other to see who can outclass the other.

Komachi Akimoto: As the only 2 Green Cures in the series, Komachi and April both tend to feel underappreciated by the Precure fanbase. Despite their opposite personalities, they actually get along pretty well. Though to be fair, their respective teams get along perfectly with each other.

And that concludes today's episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Next episode will be about the OG Yellow Cure, Urara Kasugano! Until then, thanks for reading and I'll see you all next time!

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