Episode 10: Logan!

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"What's up, everybody?"

Hello everyone and welcome to the 10th Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Today's episode is all about the very first person to give us questions and dares, Logan!


Logan/SuperLogan2015 first joined Wattpad in September 2020, which is the same month that I joined.

Background and Personality

Logan has been described to be cocky and a bit arrogant, as he loves winning and gets very upset when he loses, especially when he has a constant undefeated streak. Despite this, he's very kind to those he considers his friends.

Inclusion and Role in the Show

Logan first became a guest on the show in Episode 2: The Chaos Begins as the very first person to give us questions and dares. He made his first physical appearance in Episode 14: Yumi x Logan. Ever since then, he's become another series staple and has given us the most questions and dares in the whole series! Without him, this series wouldn't be as popular as it is!

Relationships with Other Characters

Lucy: Lucy is Logan's beautiful girlfriend. In the latest episode of his own story, Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Animation Edition. They first met at Skyline Chili after my Yumi rejected him. They both kept flirting, then experienced their first kiss and became a couple. They even had sex with each other! Logan loves Lucy with all his heart and would do anything to protect her.

Ami and Yumi: Ami and Yumi are Logan's all time favorite Cartoon Network characters and his waifus. He fell in love with Yumi specifically and even kissed her in Episode 16: Enter the Sailor Scouts! At first, Ami and Yumi both resented his feelings towards them, but in Season 2, both she and Ami grew attached and fell in love to Logan due to his charismatic and kind personality and his secret powers.

Julie and Reina: Logan has a very strong hatred for Julie and Reina due to their irritating personalities. Whenever they try to kill him, he responds by sending them to different dimensions and worlds.

Rintaro: Logan had a rather uneasy relationship with Rintaro, Lucy's Grandfather. Rintaro detests Logan because of his cockyness and arrogance and thanks he's a bad influence on Lucy, but is thankful for him taking care of his granddaughter.

And that concludes the 10th Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Next episode is all about a minor character that became more relevant to the series in the later episodes of Season 1 and all of Season 2, Chloe! Until then, thanks for reading and we'll see you all next time!

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