Chapter 1

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TW - Abuse, Anorexia, Self Harm, Drugs.


I've lived in Chicago in the same house my entire life. When I was younger things seemed to be how they were supposed to be. My parents did things with me like all the other kids. We went for ice cream, went to the park. I never would've guessed my life would become what it is. 

As I got older my parents even began to involve me in their "business" and I quickly fell in with the wrong people. My parents abused me, they would get angry when I did deals wrong. Along with selling and moving product they were constantly high out of their minds on whatever was in the house at the time, so it was almost like they didn't know what they were doing. When I got home from running errands for them they would question me relentlessly and even when I thought I had done right, I would get hit and kicked for hours until I passed out or they got bored. 

I stopped going to school, I stopped talking to them or really anyone, I got high for the first time when I was 10. I never touched the stuff they sold, only really weed. The high seemed to dull the pain of the beatings I endured, and for a while it was nice until I couldn't feel anything at all. I started cutting when I was 11, it was my second favorite escape. Weed, cutting, and alcohol. What a life haha. I had to grow up fast, I learned to take care of myself, running when I needed to, saying what needed to be said. It was all an act, I did what I had to to survive. The real me died years ago. 

Tonight was like any other, I went and did a deal for my parents and tried to hurry home. I had noticed a blonde lady a ways behind me nearly the whole time so I took every short cut I knew trying to lose her. 

I knew my parents would be pissed but I had to warn them. 

"I think I got followed." I said trying to keep walking passed them.

"You what!! You idiot!!" My dad yelled grabbing me by my shoulders throwing me into the wall.

"Ahh!! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I yelled trying to get back up. 

"Damn it Cordelia!! You ruin everything!" He yelled kicking me back down into the ground before he bent down and started punching me.

"HELP!! Please!! Help me please!!!!" I screamed as I cried blood now all over my face. 

"Shut up idiot! No one's coming to save you!" He said as he punched me again. When he did I heard the front door slam open into the wall.

"Chicago PD put your hands where we can see them!!" It was the blonde lady I had seen following me, only now she wasn't alone she had a whole team with her.

"You idiot!" My dad yelled at me again causing me to flinch. 

"You're under arrest! Leave the kid alone!" The blonde lady yelled.

My dad put up a bit of a fight when they tried to handcuff him and my mom so I took my chance to run. 

"Hailey she's running!" I heard one of the male officers yell. 

I thought I would probably be in trouble too, and I also thought if I could get away now I could be on my own finally free of my parents. 

I turned to run down and ally way but ended up tripping because I was slightly dizzy from the beating my dad had given me. 

"Hey stop! Sweetie stop running! Shit." I heard the blonde lady yell when she saw me fall. 

I scraped my knee pretty good when I fell so I sat up holding it. 

"Hey, are you okay?" The woman asked getting closer to me. 

I whimpered and backed away from her as fast as I could.

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