Chapter 26- Planning and Plans

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"Have fun!" Carlos said, as I got out of the car. "I will!" I said, shutting the door. It was the next week and I was meeting Melody, Savannah, and Annie at Starbucks to plan the baby shower. We still had 4 months till the baby was due, 3 until the shower, but we wanted to plan early. I waved and blew a kiss to Carlos and he drove off. I walked, more like waddled, into the shop. I looked around; they weren't here yet. I walked up to te counter and ordered a coffe with whipped cream. I took my coffee and headed to a booth when Savannah, Annie, and Melody walked in. "Hey!" They said when they slid into the booth. "Hey guys!" I said. "Let's get to planning!" Annie said, pulling out a notebook and pen, and sliding it over to me. "Ooooo how about we have pink 3D flowers on the wall?" Melody said and Savannah shook her head yes with a smile. Pink 3D flowers. I wrote down neatly and continued to write down the rest of the ideas.

2 hours later, we had all the decoratiions planned. Next week we were meeting up to discuss where the shower would be held and the week after we were going to buy the decorations and make the flowers. "Bye!" I waved to the girls as they got into their cars and left. I don't know why Carlos won't let me drive! Yeah sure I was in a car accident and yeah, I'm pregnant, and yeah I have a physco ex-friend who wants me to kill my baby....wait...that part he doesn't know about. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. My phone beeped and I pulled it out. I had a text...from Alexis.

Alexis: Hello Katelyn

Katelyn: Alexis.

Alexis: So... here's the plan...

Next she sent a long plan. I was so scared I almost dropped my phone. I knew she bad...but she was evil. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "Ouch." I said. I was not dreaming. I re-read through the plan she sent.

You have 2 choices. 1) you can let me beat you or stab your stomach until the baby dies. And 2) When the baby is born, you let me "accidently" drop it off the top of the hospital...and you can stay and watch. Or walk back down to Carlos and say that I took the baby and left. I will be long gone at the airport, with a new ID before you guys can even call the police. Text me back which plan you prefer.

I started crying. Sobbing. I sat on the bench and put my head in my hands. I can''t kill this baby. I can't let her kill her either. But if I don't Carlos, Eleanor, and Mason will be killed instead. Either way, the ones I love get hurt. I tried thinking of what to do. I could tell Carlos but he would risk himself for me and the baby. I can't let him do that. If I tell the police, Alexis would run away, kill me, the baby, Carlos, Eleanor, and/or Mason, or do all of that.

And that's when I knew the solution. I took my phone out and texted her.

Katelyn: I choose neither but I do have a proposal for a plan you would like me at the old apartment at 12 tonight....

BWAHAHA CLIFFHANGER! I have to go drop my cousin off at her house and we are going to dinner! I'll type in the car and post when I get home!

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