Chapter 27- Creaks and Deals

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I slowly pulled the covers off me and got out of bed. I checked on Carlos. He was still sleeping. I checked the time. 11:20. I tiptoed into my closet and closed the door. I turned on the lights, dimming them so they wouldn't wake him.  I pulled on a pair of black tight jeans, yes I could still fit into them. I put on a loose white shirt and pulled on my black leather jacket. I pulled on my black combat boots and pulled my hair up onto a high pony tail. I put on some black eyeliner and mascara and put on some chapstick. I looked in the mirror. Dressing like a spy is fun! Even for a pregnant women I looked acceptably good. I put my phone in my pocket and walked out of my closet..where Sky was. "Shhh quiet." I told her and tiptoed downstairs. When I got to the 2nd-to-last step it creaked really loudly. I had forgotten that it creaked. I heard movement upstairs. "Fork." I muttered under my breath. Eleanor walked out of her room, turned on the bathroom light, and closed the door. I didn't dare to move. I was frozen like a statue until she walked back into her room. i waited a few minutes then decided it was clear. I went to go walk..and tripped over my shoelace. I twisted and grabbed the railing. Luckily I didn't hit the floor. I kept quiet and heard no sound or movement. I really need to work on my spy and ninja skills...after this baby is out of my stomach. I grabbed the keys off the hook. I snuck out the front door and got in the car. I started it and backed out of the driveway before I woke anyone. I put on the radio and started driving to the old apartment. I stopped by Starbucks and got a coffee to help me wake up more. After all, I dod have 20 minutes until I had to meet Alexis and I was only 3 minutes from the hotel. I sat in my car, sipping my coffee, going over what I would say to Alexis in my head. Ten minutes later I finished my coffee, started the car, and started the short way to the meeting place. When I got there I went to the elevator and headed up. I pulled the key out of my pocket as the elevator finger for floor 54. I walked down the silent hallway, the short heels of my boots silent as I walked across the carpet, the wall lamps casting shadows. I reached the door and put the key in. As I walked in I flicked on the light and smiled at my old home. Since all of us still owned it, we had picture frames everywhere. The newest one was of Savannah, Kendall, Carter, and Baby Emma. I smiled again and walked into the kitchen. I got a water bottle out of the fridge and walked over to the floor to ceiling windows. I looked out at the city lights of Los Angeles. I checked the time. Alexis would be here in 5 minutes. Then I could tell her my proposal for a better plan. Where no one I loved got hurt. I heard a click and a door come open. I turned around and saw her standing there, a smirk on her face. "Hello Alexis." I said. "Hey." She said walking in, closing the door behind her. I started to walk towards her and she did the same, her heels clicking against the tile. "So what's this idea you have?" She said. "Hear me out. I don't want my family getting hurt. After the baby is born...I'll go with you. And instead of my baby girl dying or anyone kill me." I said. She smirked and thought. "I would like that." She said. "I wouldn't tell anyone. I'll leave my phone at home. Just don't touch my family." I said. "Okay. I accept your offer. When you get out of the hospital, instead of coming to work, come here." She said. "Then it's set." I said, taking a breath. I reached out my hand and she shook it. Our deal was made. I was to die in 4 months and my family was to live.

My brain is full of really. My fanfics have so many, why would someone make you kill ur baby or they were gonna kill ur family? lol oh well u guys read it anyway! I'll post more if I get 2 comments! COMMENT/VOTE/FAN!!! xxx S

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