Chapter 17- Flowers and Funerals

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Today is Tyler's funeral. It was a week after he passed and I was doing horrible but I pulled through for Mason and Eleanor. I wore a lace black dress that was strapless with black heels. I had my hair in a fancy bun. I should've been wearing a black veil but I didn't want to because I knew Tyler wouldn't have wanted me too. He was on a table in his coffin and people kept coming up to Carlos and I, saying how sorry they were. I just stood there and nodded. When it was time for speeches and stuff I walked up to the stand. "I would like to thank you all for coming here today." I said. "Tyler, I know he would like to say thank you to all of you. He was a great son. He used to love skateboarding, playing Spiderman with Kendall, acting like a swag master with Logan," I said laughing a little. "And making cupcakes with James. He was just an amazing son and I miss him more than you will ever know." I said starting to tear up. "Tyler, he was just the perfect son. Always fun to be around and really, really loved ice cream. But he really, really, really loved when I told him the story of how he came to be, the story of how I met Carlos, and liked when Carlos and I sang to him. So that's what I'm going to do now." I said. Carlos and I walked over to microphones on the other side of the room. Logan, Kendall, and James went behind us and stood at mics for backup. The music started to play and I sung.

*Insert lyrics to I Won't Give Up here. I know no one reads the lyrics so I'll just put a video of the lyrics( BTR version) over on the side*

Bye the time the song finished I had started crying and walked outside to get some air. I cried to myself, sitting on a bench. Carlos walked out and sat down next to me. He grabbed my hand. "K-Katelyn. I know it's hard but he's in a better place." Carlos said "I know." I said kissing him and walking back inside. After the viewing we headed to the cemetary. I kissed Tyler's head one more time before he was lowered into the ground, gone from me forever. After he was completly buried Carlos and I stayed and cried, if front of his grave. When it got dark I put a flower down on his grave and we left.


Sorry it was short! It was just so sad! Hey Carlos, say hi to everyone!

Heellloooo people!

Haha well Carlos and I are goig to go make some ricecrizzzle treats! We'll see you later!


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