Chapter 30- Chairs and Time

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Katelyn's POV

It  was the morning of the baby shower, December 17th, at 8 in the morning. I got out of bed and took a shower. I put my hair in a bun and got dress into a loose white blouse and blue jeans. I slipped on white sandals. I walked into the bathroom and blow dried my hair. I put on some light make up and fishtail braided my hair down the side. I kissed Carlos' cheek goodbye, he was still sleeping.

I grabbed my phone and texted Annie I was ready since she was picking me up. I kissed Eleanor and Mason goodbye and ate an apple. I finished and Annie got here. I got in and we took off for the hotel. I turned around and looked in the back seat. "Gosh! That's a lot of decorations!" I said looking at the 4 boxes. "I know. Melody made me." She said and we both started laughing. We listened to the radio until we got there. Melody and Savannah got here the same time as we did so they made me carry nothing up, which I protested over.

We rode the elevator up and started decorating. By 11 o'clock we had finished. They brought out the food and at 11:45 we were talking, waiting for the guest to arrive at 12, when we heard the door open and the click of heels. I turned around and saw...Alexis. "Sorry, looks like I've booked this place for a week." She said before putting on a mask and opening a can. I turned, as my eyes fluttered shut, and saw Annie, Melody, and Savannah pass out and my eyes shut.

Carlos POV

I had just watched a video of my wife being drugged with some type of air bomb. I had gotten a text from her phone, saying she and the girls were gooing on a mini vacation. I guess not. I called the baby sitter, saying it was an emergency. As soon as she got here I got in my car and sped off. I picked the guys up and they watched the video as we sped down the rode. We were talking about a few plans and we pulled up. We rushed inside and took the elevator up. We ran inide, saw our wives, unconcious, tied to chairs. Katelyn looked so helpless. "Katel-!" I began but was hit on the head and everything went black.

Katelyns POV

I woke up, being sprayed with water.  I gasped and opened my eyes. I was tied to a chair, in a bathroom. Alexis was standing by me. "Thought I'd wake you up since it is Christmas Eve." She said, smirking. "I'm untying you. Don't try anything." She said. "Yeah like a 8 month pregnant women can do anything." I said sarcasticly, Alexis slapping me. I bit my lip. "Shut up." She hissed.

She let me free and I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. "Now we'll talk." She said. "About....?" I said. "ABOUT HOW YOU RUINED MY LIFE! I LOST MY HOME, LOST COLLEGE, BECAUSE YOU BROUGHT THAT STUPID BOYBAND INTO OUR APARTMENT!!!! AND NOW YOU WILL FINALLY PAY!" She yelled, over reacting. I mean really, she already said all this the first time I was kidnapped. Everyone came running into the bathroom then; they must've got themselves untied.

Alexis looked at them, then me, then behind me. I turned aorund and saw an opened window, where the sun was just setting. The next thing I knew I was falling out the window with Alexis. We both screamed. She must've only planned for me to fall. Surprisingly and luckily there was a window cleaner holder and we landed on it. I heard my ankle crack and winced in pain. All of a sudden the platform beneath me went lopsided as a cable broke. Alexis and I grabbed the railing, screaming, and she said some nasty words.

"Hang in there Katelyn! You will be okay!" James yelled out the window. They were all watching us anxiously. Carlos disappeared behind them. Alexis then pulled out a knife. "I'm afraid our deal is going to have to be broken." She said. She lunged for me and I stepped out of the way but she ened up slicing my leg. Blood dripped down but I didn't dare to look. She turned around and was getting ready to lunge when the other cable on the same side broke. The whole thing slipped and Alexis fell, holding onto the edge with one hand. "Help me up!" She screamed.

I held onto the railing for my life on the other side. All of a sudden a rope was dropped down and the middle and Alexis fell, falling to her death. I looked up and saw the guys holding a rope, Carlos had it wrapped around him and he was climbing down with the side of the building. "I got you. You're okay." He whispered to me when he got there, kissing me. He held me bridal style and in a few minutes we were on the floor of the bathroom. I was crying with tears of joy when a pain went through my stomach.

I groaned and then gasped as I realized something, everyone staring at me. "It's time."

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