Chapter 12- Flights and Ice Cream

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"Come on! Bring your suit cases down to the car!" I yelled up the stairs. I had Mason in one arm, his diaper bag on my shoulder, and his suit case in my hand. I walked down to the car and put his suitcase in the back and put the diaper bag up front. I walked back inside and set Mason on his blanket. I walked to my room and grabbed my 2 suitcases, yes 2, and my makeup bag. Carlos walked in when I was getting ready to walk out. "I still can't believe you have 2 full suitcases." He muttered under his breath, making me chuckle. He grabbed his suitcase and I took mine to the car, where Eleanor and Tyler were putting in their suitcases. "Okay! Get in and buckle up. We'll be leaving soon." I told them and they jumped in the van. I went back inside and got Mason and his blanket. I carried him to the car and put him in his car seat as Carlos closed the trunk. We hopped in the car and he drove off for the airport. When we got there we all rolled our suitcases into the airport. "Don't go away from us okay?" I told Eleanor and Tyler as we made our way to bag check. They checked our bags, we put them on the conveyer belt to the plane, and we made our way over to our flight's waiting area. Eleanor pulled out her I-Pod and Tyler played on his 3Ds. I held Mason in my lap playing with him and Carlos watched, laughing next to me. "Flight 745 for Orlando, Florida." A voice said over the intercom and we all stood up with our carry-on bags and we got on the plane. Surprisingly in 1st class they had a row with 5 seats so we all sat there. Tyler sat by the window, then El next to him. Then it was me and next to me was Mason in his car seat/ carrier and then Carlos. "Please fasten your seatbelts. We will be taking off in 2 minutes." Said a lady over the intercom and we all buckled up. I handed everyone a piece of gum so their ears wouldn't pop and a few minutes later the plane was in the air. "Look at all the tiny houses!" Tyler exclaimed to Eleanor as they looked out the window. I smiled. Mason was asleep so I took out my IPhone and plugged in my earphones. I clicked on a playlist that Carlos didn't know I had. It was of all my albums and singles from when I was famous. I listened to it every once in a while whenever I was in the mood or just missed singing. I pressed play and read through my magazine when all of a sudden a perfect tune and some lyrics popped into my head 'Always missing the old life, but loving everything new. Can't get back what I had, even though I already knew. I miss it so bad and with I was back, back, back in the spotlight.' I quickly paused the song and put away my phone, putting away the magazine too, then pulling out a pen and notebook as I started writing a new song, the lyrics flowing into my mind. By the time I finished my hand was cramping so bad I decided I had done enough writing already. There was still 4 hours left of the flight so I safely put away my notebook. I checked the kids, they were fast asleep. I looked over and saw Carlos playing Temple Run on his I-Pod . I laughed and put my head back, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

I woke up a few hours later when the lady said we would be landing soon. I rubbed my eyes, stretched, then grabbed my book bag. "You guys haves all your stuff?" I asked Eleanor and Tyler and they nodded. I looked at Mason- he was still sleeping. Carlos grabbed my hand and I smiled at him. When the plane landed we walked to bag check and got our suitcases. We walked out to where Javi was waiting...with his Evo. All of a sudden Carlos burst out with a song. "We're in Javi's Evo! In Javi's Evo. Mm yeah oh yeah." He said and Tyler joined him, dancing around. "Hi Javi!" I said hugging him. "Hey Katelyn!" He said. I eyed the car. "Um Javi, that car only seats 5 and there's 6 of us." I told him. "Oh I'm taking your luggage. Dad should be here right about- now." He said as Papa Pena pulled up met to us. The kids attacked him with hugs. I gave him a hug too. "Hey Mommy! Can I ride with Uncle Javi?! Please please please please pl-" Tyler said but I cut him off. "Yes you can." I said laughing as he ran off and jumped in Javi's car. "Here let me out your suitcase in the car." Carlos said reaching out his hand. I didn't even notice I still had it. I handed it over to him and he put it in the car. I buckled Mason into the car and got in. We drove to a car rental place and got a silver truck, then we of dropped off at our hotel. We checked in and a bell boy took out luggage up to our room. We walked around the huge lobby then decided to head up. We walked into the elevator and rose up to floor 86. Luckily the elevate was really fast so it didn't take long. We went into our room and claimed rooms, then started unpacking. When we finished unpacking we all looked out the balcony. "We're so high up!" Tyler said. "Look! There's the Disney World castle!" Eleanor points excitedly to a castle in the distance. "Yeah!" I told her. "Hey do you guys wanna go get some ice cream?" Carlos said and they nodded. I grabbed Mason and we left for ice cream. We pulled up at a Baskin Robins and went inside. We ordered the ice cream, me getting coffee ice cream in a cone, and sat outside at the picnic tables. "I'M HYPER!" Eleanor yelled after finishing her ice cream and started running in circles. I laughed at her, one because she was acting crazy and 2, because she had chocolate ice cream all over her face. "Um...are you sure we won't have to take her to the doctors?" Tyler asked and we started laughing at Eleanor. By the time she was done running we had all finished our ice cream. Carlos picked up Mason and we got in the car. Carlos started driving and we were on a quiet back road when something was suddenly in the middle of the road. I didn't have time to see it because Carlos slammed on the brakes and swerved off the road

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