Chapter 15- Cancer and Fairy Tales

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"L-Leukemia?" I stuttered out. "Yes...but it's a severe case. I'm sorry but we can't cure it. He has a few months left." The doctor said. "Just like Jane." Carlos whispered. The doctor walked out and I collapsed into Carlos' chest. Carlos bent down and sat on the ground and so did I.  I sobbed and cried for hours. My son has cancer. He is going to die. After a few hours of crying there just wasn't any tears left. I looked at Carlos; his cheeks were stained with tears. He pulled me close and stroked my hair. "We're going to have to tell him." Carlos said, his voice hollow. "I know." I whispered, staring at the wall. "Well let's go tell him." He said. We stood up. I walked into the bathroom and rinsed my face of with cold water. I dried it off and walked back out. Carlos and I walked to the desk and asked the lady for Tyler's room number and went into his room. The doctor was already in there. "Hey Tyler." I said and he looked over at us. He smiled. "Mama! Dada!" He said. I faked a small smile. We walked over and sat in the chairs next to the bed. "When can I leave the hospital? I wanna go see Uncle Javi!" He said. "Well, baby, you're sick. You can't leave the hospital." I said to Tyler. I grabbed his hand and Carlos' grabbed my other one. "Tyler, you have's a type of cancer." I said and I started tearing up. Carlos took over. "Cancer is a sickness that makes you loose your hair and be really sick all the time. T-tyler you only have a few months to- to live." Carlos said as he teared up too. Tyler looked shocked and a tear fell down his cheek. I wiped it away. "Like that little girl? J-Jane? That Daddy sang to?" Tyler said and we nodded our heads. Tyler stared at us. "Stop crying mommy and daddy. I still got a few months right? C-can't we make it a happy few months?" He asked. I smiled at him. "Sure we can." I said. The doctor walked over. "We're going to have to transfer him to California where you guys live. It will make things simpler when you have to pay." The doctor said and Carlos and I nodded our heads again. This is going to be a hard few months. "Hey Tyler? You want some ice cream? They have an ice cream shop around the corner." Carlos said. "Yes!" Tyler said excitedly. Carlos left to get some ice cream while I stayed here. "Mama...can you tell me the story of how you and daddy met again? It makes me happy." He said and I smiled. "'s kinda like a fairy tale." I said. "Well 9 years ago I was walking down the street, Christmas shopping, when your dad and Uncle James, Logan, and Kendall  were running from screaming fans..." I said as I began telling the story. Carlos had came back by the time I was talking about the KCA's. We told the story together, including everything we did- well the age appropiate stuff; we left out the other things. "You guys are like Snow White and Prince Charming. And the evil Queen is the guy Jackson." Tyler said and I laughed. "Yes, maybe we are." I said. Tyler and I watched TV while Carlos called and waited in the lobby for Javi with Eleanor and Mason. Carlos told them the news for me, I would have broke down crying again. Tyler and I sat on the bed, talking and playing games on my phone. I know at one point he's going to be gone but I want him to have a good life- so I'm going to make the next few months his favorite.

HEYYOOO! Wazzza?! How you guys liking it? Are the chapter getting boring or are they fine? And OMGGGG TYLER HAS CANCER! BAWLING MY EYES OUT. Jk jk I'm not crying. But I am working on another story today so I might post later on or early tomorrow!


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