Chapter 11- Evo's, Dreams, and Lullabys

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I woke up with something warming me and a pair of arms around me. I opened my eyes and was blinded by the sun. I cursed silently then turned to look at Carlos. He was sleeping peacefully but then started to stir. He opened his eyes and rubbed them. "Good morning Kates." He said yawning. I sat up, stretching. I scratched my head and looked around. We were still on the beach! "Omg we fell asleep! We need to get the kids!" I said but Carlos grabbed my arm. "It's fine Katelyn. After you fell asleep I texted their parents asking if they could stay the night and they said yes. Melody and James didn't mind watching Mason." Carlos told me and I relaxed. "So you wanna go home and change then go get breakfast?" Carlos said and I nodded my head yes. I stood up and grabbed the envelope holding the plane tickets and then grabbed my heels. Carlos stood up after me and folded the blanket. He had taken off his shirt after I fell asleep so he picked up his jacket and shirt after. We walked up the beach as surfers started to arrive, giving us strange looks. We walked to the parking lot Yellow Fin and got in the car. It took us about 15 minutes to get to get home. Carlos got out quickly and opened my door for me. I smiled at the ground and we walked inside. We went to out room. "Can you unzip my dress?" I asked him. He nodded so I pulled up my hair and turned around. He unzipped the back of the dress and pulled it off my arms. I stepped out of it. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower." I told him and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the water and jumped in. I washed my hair quickly and rinsed it out, letting the hot water run over my body. I had my eyes closed but all of a sudden I was covered in ice cold water. "CARLOS!" I shrieked as he had turned the handle to freezing. He ripped open the curtain and threw another cup of ice water on me then running off. "I am so going to kill you!!!" I told him. I jumped out, grabbing my towel and semi- wrapping it around my body as I chased after him. He ran out of our room, through the kitchen, through the living room, and up the stairs. I chased after him and ran up the stairs. I looked in all the rooms and didn't see him but I saw him shoot across the hall. "Carlos!" I said running to the stairs but tripping. I went tumbling, crashing into Carlos, until we reached the bottom. "Ouch." We both said and the same time and started laughing. "I'm now I must kill you." I said deadly serious and Carlos looked scared until I busted out laughing. "Now I'm wet too." Carlos complained. "That's what you get!" I told him and we both started laughing. He stood up and reached out his hand. I grabbed it gratefully and he pulled me up. I tightened the towel but Carlos grabbed it and ripped it off and ran away. "Oops." He said over his shoulder. I laughed and sighed at him then hurried back to our room where he was sitting on the bed "reading" a book. I put on my robe an then threw my pillow at him, hitting him in the face. "Hey! That hit my book! i was reading!" Carlos complained and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right." I said laughing. I went into my closet, closing the door, and got on a pair of shorts and put on an England flag tank top. I walked to the bathroom and I brushed out my hair then blow dried half of it. I brushed it out again and pulled it back into a high pony tail. I walked back out and put my phone in my pocket. "Now, since you have been playing shenanigans all morning now you have to pay for breakfast." I told him laughing. "Phooey." He said faking a pout. He followed me out the door and we got in the van, since we would have to pick the kids up after breakfast. We drove to Starbucks and walked in. We ordered coffee and got 2 muffins. We sat down and drank and ate. "Do you wanna go to the park after we get the kids so we can surprise them with the vacation?" I asked Carlos. "Sure! The stroller is still in the back of the car too for Mason." He said finishing the rest of the muffin. I took a bite of my muffins and went to go say something but Carlos beat me to it. "Um Katelyn, you have something-"He said leaning in across the table. "On your nose." He finished kissing my nose then moving down to peck my lips. I smiled at him when he pulled away. "Come on, let's go." He said. We stood up and walked back to the car. We picked up El and Tyler then went to James and Melody's house to pick up Mason. Once I buckled Mason in we took off for the park. "Ooo the park!" Eleanor said excitedly. "Yep. We're going to take a walk." I said and sneaked a peek at Carlos where he was putting the envelope in his pocket. We all got out and Carlos got Mason's stroller. I buckled up Mason and we all started walking. I pushed the stroller while Carlos gave Eleanor a piggy back ride and Tyler rode his skate board alongside them. We walked a while, Eleanor complaining every once in a while how the wind is messing up her hair. Finally we took a break and sat down on a bench. Carlos and I stood up in front of them. "Guys, your dad and I have some news for you." I said. "You're pregnant?!" Eleanor squealed and I laughed. "No..." I said. Finally Carlos pulled out the plane tickets. "We're going to visit Grandpa, Grandma, and Uncle Javi in Florida!" He said and they jumped up cheering. "Dad! Can I ride and Javi's Evo?!" Tyler said and Carlos and I burst out laughing. "Sure!" Carlos said. "We're leaving tomorrow so you guys have the rest of the day until tomorrow around 5 to pack!" I said happily. "Let's go home! I wanna pack everything!" Eleanor said and we started to walk back. We got back to the car and drove home. When we got home Carlos and I got the suitcases out of the garage and giving everyone theirs. "Okay you will need 7 pairs of clothes; we will be staying there for a week." I told everyone before leaving them to pack. I carried Mason on my chest, he was on his stomach on my chest, and went to his room. It had light green walls and was a sea/ turtle theme. I pulled out his diaper bag first and stocked that up. Then I got a small suitcase to fit all his outfits in. It took my about a half an hour to finish packing for him. When I finished he started fussing so I fixed him a bottle and sat in the rocking chair, rocking and feeding him. I started singing softly without realizing it. "Rock a bye baby on the tree top, when the wind blows the cradle will rock." I said, the beautiful lyrics coming as they did those years ago. I ended up merging into singing another song. "You're not alone boy, look over your shoulder, you won't have to wonder." I sang softly to him as he stared at me with his little brown eyes. "Cuz you know you know you know, you're not alone, boy." I sang to Mason as he fell asleep. I continued to sing as I carried him over. "I'll be here to hold ya; I'll stay till it's over. Cuz you know you know you know," I sang placing him in the crib. "You're not alone." I finished smiling at his small form and giving him a kiss. "You still have a singing voice." Someone said and I whipped around and saw Carlos leaning on the door frame. He walked up to me and put his arms on my waist. "You have a beautiful voice." He said. I sighed. "I miss it." I admitted. "Miss what?" He asked. "I miss singing. I love writing and making music. I know I should still be focused on my family but it still feels like one of thsoe dreams that never got finished." I told him and he nodded. "The musical journey ended but the dream lived on...well for me." He told me smiling. I smiled too. "Come on. Let's sing to him again." Carlos said, grabbing my hand and pulled me to the edge of the crib. We started singing Invisible, our melodies sounding like angels and our harmonies intertwining.

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