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  "Hi Nana," Sayori smiled as she walked through the door, "How are you feeling?"

  "Hi baby. Not good," Her grandmother replied shortly, "I'm tired."

  Annie Wiles is Sayori's entire world. From the moment Sayori arrived home from the hospital, Annie had done everything for her. She's filled the void of a present yet absent mother—working her hardest to make sure Sayori had everything she needed and wanted. Everything she'd accomplished had been the result of parenting from her grandmother.

  Ms. Annie first became sick when Sayori was sixteen—in the middle of her junior year. Her first battle with breast cancer was difficult to witness—her hair had aggressively fallen out, she'd lost the color in her skin, and only weighed one hundred pounds; yet she fought hard and beat it. However, in the beginning of Sayori's senior year, Annie relapsed. It was more aggressive than the first, and Sayori had to step in. Sayori did not experience her senior year as she should have, but Annie needed someone to step in.

  "You can rest once you've taken your medicine and once you've eaten," Sayori responded, "What is your pain level?"

  "I'm not in much pain today," She sighed, not looking away from the television, "My body is tired and I am tired."

  Her grandmother was battling Stage 3C Lung Cancer—advanced cancer that has spread to the entirety of the chest wall. Annie had undergone three surgeries—the most recent surgery being the most painful and difficult to recover from. Though they'd removed a large mass and proceeded with treatments, Annie still had trouble breathing and experienced excruciating pains.

  "Well," Sayori smiled as she sanitized her hands, "I have the rest of the day off, Nana. We can rest and take all the naps you want."

  "Good," Her grandmother smiled softly, "I know we both could use it."

  Hours later, Sayori awakened to the sound of cabinets closing

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  Hours later, Sayori awakened to the sound of cabinets closing. Carefully getting out of the bed, she made sure not to disturb her grandmother as she traveled to where the noise was coming from.

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