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  Unconsciously, Imaan caressed Sayori's leg as he watched his girlfriend scan the pages of a book

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Unconsciously, Imaan caressed Sayori's leg as he watched his girlfriend scan the pages of a book. Her hair was in its' natural state—curls blowing wildly in the wind as the couple rested in the hammock. He didn't mind the silence between them—it was comforting.

    It had been a full week since their argument and Imaan had remained true to his word. Sayori had moved past it, but the reason behind his actions was becoming the main thought on his mind.

    Imaan closed his eyes as the sun shined brightly above him. The silence presented the opportunity to think—to sort through the thoughts that occupied his mind. It offered finding the right words to say in this particular moment—to tell Sayori the truth. In all honesty, he was afraid. He was afraid of Sayori leaving him due to uncertainty, inconsistency, and the potential ability of not being able to provide.

There was a reason for his disappearing act—their missed conversations, his lack of affection and attention. He was embarrassed—he'd dedicated years to a company that hadn't bothered to think twice before firing him. Though he should've expected it, Imaan didn't believe it would be him.

"We have made the decision to let you go," His boss stated, refusing to look at Imaan. His head hung low as he continued, "It was out of my hands, Imaan."

Imaan said nothing as he focused his eyes forward. His leg shook as his knuckle rested against his mouth. He was in disbelief. From his teenage years until now, Imaan had dedicated his time to this company. He never missed work—he missed out on family events and holidays, only to be furloughed. And for what reason? Any task Imaan was asked to do, he did it without question. He did it because it kept his Mother from stressing about due dates—it put him in a position to provide for his Mother, so that she'd never have another worry. Now, he had nothing to show for it.

"Bubba," He heard Sayori say, "You're hurting my leg, baby."

"Damn, I'm sorry," Imaan stated genuinely, before releasing his hold on Sayori's thigh, "I didn't mean to, Mama."

"What's the matter?" Sayori furrowed her brows, using her bookmark to keep her place before setting the book aside.

The look of concern on Sayori's face made him comfortable. However, he hadn't prepared himself for any response. He knew that Sayori was never with him for monetary reasons, but the thought still scared him, "Baby, tell me what's bothering you."

    Lifting herself, Sayori traveled over to Imaan—resting her head on his chest. She'd do this whenever Imaan was having a hard time finding his words or having trouble expressing himself. It was a small gesture that Imaan appreciated, "Whenever you're ready, I'm listening." 

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