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    "Good Morning," Imaan greeted, as he opened the front door, "Thanks for coming

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    "Good Morning," Imaan greeted, as he opened the front door, "Thanks for coming."

  Morning had just settled in. Pouring in through the large windows, the dining area was illuminated by the sun. The table was adorned with a centerpiece—Venus ET Fleur flowers in shades of variant blues. Courtesy of Talia, his girlfriends' favorite foods were lined in the middle, ranging from omelets to tropical fruit that Sayori adored. A small backdrop was placed against the dining room wall—a balloon arch decorating its presence with silver letters spelling out Sayori's name. He was proud of his work, and thanked those who'd helped him create this vision.

    Imaan made it his business to make the entire day special. Though he was aware of her past experiences, he still wanted this day to be memorable. Per his request, Talia invited family and friends to celebrate Sayori's birthday. Imaan had high hopes that his plans would fall through and the end goal would be met—just to see her smile.

    "Mani," He heard his mother's voice, "Where do you want the gifts?"

    "You can put the gifts by the balloon arch," Imaan directed, before turning to everyone, "You all can get settled. I'm about to get Sayori."

    Retreating up the stairs, Imaan headed to Sayori's bedroom. Imaan laughed to himself at Sayori's position. She was sprawled out in the middle of the bed, her mouth slightly ajar with the bonnet covering her eyes. Leaning down, Imaan attempted to ease Sayori out of her slumber, "Baby," He kissed the side of her face, earning a low groan, "Get up for me, Mama."

    "Mm Mm," She hummed groggily, wrapping her arms around his neck, "Lay down with me, Bubba."

    "Phat," Imaan chuckled, planting a kiss on her forehead, "Come on, Mama." He rubbed small circles on her exposed back.

    "Why?" She whined, her eyes remaining closed.

    "I made us breakfast and I want us to eat together," He smiled as she opened her eyes, "You can meet me downstairs, love."

    She removed her arms from around his neck as she rose from her position. She stretched, before puckering her lips for a kiss, which Imaan gladly gave to her, "Thank you, Bubba."

    "You're welcome, Phat," He smiled, as he moved aside. His bottom lip went in between teeth as her ass peered from underneath her over-sized shirt. Reaching his hand out, he smacked her ass, causing her to yelp and turn around, "What? That's why I call you Phat."

    "Boy," Sayori rolled her eyes playfully, "Go downstairs!"

    Imaan laughed as he exited the room and headed back to the dining area. Her guests were conversing and laughing amongst themselves—the different shades of blue clothing balancing with the decorations. Hearing footsteps, Imaan smiled and turned towards the stairs. The room became quiet as Sayori descended down the stairs. Imaan extended his hand, helping her as she reached the bottom.

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