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  Sayori breathed rhythmically as she neared the end of her two mile run. Music played loudly in her ears as she picked up speed—Koda running alongside her with ease.

  On Mondays, Sayori dedicated time in her routine for a run with Koda. Mondays were dreary and Sayori needed the burst of energy—she enjoyed the cold, freshness of the air that infiltrated her lungs each time she inhaled and the wind as it made her long, ponytail travel towards her face.

  Arriving in her neighborhood, Sayori slowed down her pace and kneeled in front of Koda, "I'm so proud of you, Koda Man! You weren't being lazy today!"

  Koda tilted his head, causing Sayori to laugh as she stood up and walked the rest of the way home. Letting Koda into the house, she watched him begin to eat before heading to the shower and freshening up before work.

  Once done, Sayori returned downstairs fully dressed. Her hair was neatly combed into a low braid, a few strands framing her face with glasses sitting on her nose. Although she hated wearing them, she couldn't deny that contacts were too much of a hassle in the mornings.

  Glancing at Koda, she laughed as he slept in his bed by the window. He rested on his back, his head hanging slightly off the edge—Sayori thought her dog was a human in his past life, based on the way he acted at times.

  As she prepared her lunch, Sayori's mind drifted to Talia. Since last weekend, the two friends hadn't spoken or seen one another due to Talia taking time to herself. Talia rarely allowed herself to be vulnerable—when she did, it disrupted the balance she'd created for herself and it caused her to shut down. Fortunately, Sayori observed this trait during the earlier years of their friendship, so she understood and respected her friend's space.

  Normally, Talia would reach out after two days. However, it was now Tuesday—which meant it'd been five. Praying that she didn't disrupt her, Sayori dialed her friend's number, hoping she'd pick up.

  "Hi Mocha," Talia said on the other line, "I'm sorry I didn't call. It's just been hard."

  "No need to explain, Tali," Sayori said sweetly with a small pout, "I only wanted to call and make sure you were okay, honey."

  "I don't know if I am, Yori," She could hear her voice crack, "I'm starting to question everything. With Darrin and with myself."

  "I know," Sayori empathized, "Remember that how you feel is valid, Talia. You come first—everything about you comes first."

  "I wish it was that easy. I just need space from him, Yori. He just won't let me rest," Talia cried, "He doesn't see the principle of anything he does."

  "I hate that I allow him to have such a hold on me. I'm starting to learn that loving someone is not enough," She continued, "It's never enough."

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