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  "Happy Valentine's Day!" Sayori smiled, as she entered the Hartwell Home—bearing gifts for everyone

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  "Happy Valentine's Day!" Sayori smiled, as she entered the Hartwell Home—bearing gifts for everyone.

  "Happy Valentine's Day!" They all chanted back.

  Sayori enjoyed holidays—no matter how big or small. She believed that holidays brought family and friends together, surrounded by as much love and light as needed. Sayori enjoyed putting a smile on someone's face—and holidays were one of those moments when she didn't have to have a reason.

  "I hope everyone's day is filled with love and gratitude," Sayori made a heart with her hands, "This is just a small portion of my appreciation for you all. I love all of you."

  "We love you!" They said in unison, all of the women pouting.

  "Our Valentine's Day activity begins at noon," Sayori pointed towards the calendar, "Make sure residents have eaten and received their gifts from us before their family begins to arrive."

  Grabbing a treat from the table, Sayori headed out of the kitchenette and towards her office. Walking in, Sayori formed her mouth into a pout—admiring yet another bouquet of flowers sitting on her desk.

  She'd been receiving gifts since this morning—feeling the outpouring of love that everyone had for her. Smelling the flowers, she noticed a small, handwritten card sitting in between the petals. Reading it, she couldn't stop the smile that crept onto her face.

Here's to our new beginning.
Happy Valentine's Day, Beautiful.

  Retrieving her phone from her back pocket, Sayori pressed Imaan's contact—waiting for the call to connect, "Imaan," She pouted, holding the flowers in her hand.

  "Sayori," He mocked her, "Hey, beautiful. Do you like your flowers?"

  "I love them! Thank you," She smiled into the camera, "I'll have to put them next to the others."

  "I'm glad you love them," He smiled at her before focusing on the road ahead of him.

     Sayori didn't say anything else—because she was staring. He leaned back, his hand navigating the steering wheel as the other rested on the side of his face. His hands massaged his beard, as he came to a red light. He smiled at the camera—Sayori couldn't help but to want a kiss from him.

  "Hm? You said you want a kiss?" Imaan interrupted her thoughts, as Sayori realized that she was thinking—out loud.

  "H-huh?" She tried to play it off, "What do you mean?"

  "I can give you one if you want," He smirked.

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