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  "Nurse Sayori," She heard someone call her name, "I don't mean to interrupt."

  "No," She wiped underneath her eye, "You aren't interrupting, sweetheart. What can I do for you?"

  Sayori stood against the door frame, her arms folded across her chest. Her face was stained with tears as she viewed Ms. Lettie's room—one that was once filled, but is now empty.

  Last week, Ms. Lettie underwent surgery to replace the stent in her heart. Though complications were expected, nothing could prepare her family and friends for her death. Everyone in the home was ridden with sadness and only wished they'd be able to hear her fussing, again.

  "It's more of what can we do for you," Sayori met with Vanni and a newer employee, Sariah, "You've worked two twenty-four hour shifts this week on top of keeping your regular hours, Yori. With everything that has transpired, we think you should go home and get some rest."

  "I can—"

  "With all due respect, Nurse Sayori," Sariah smiled softly, "You've been out of it all week—you're exhausted, you haven't eaten. Just like you want everyone to remain in good health, everyone wants the same for you."

"You need to rest, Sayori," Vanni said calmly, "You can't take care of others while neglecting yourself, baby."

  Deciding against arguing with them, Sayori only let out a heavy sigh. She couldn't argue with the truth—she'd been on autopilot every day, trying to ignore the constant headaches, the aching feet and body pain. She'd invested her time in making sure everyone—including Ms. Lettie's family—was good.

  "Ok," Sayori sighed hesitantly, "I need to do pap—"

  "Paperwork is done," Vanni held the packets in her hand, "We made sure that everyone has a task, so you can go home and get rest."

  Sayori pouted, feeling tears well into her eyes, "Thank you. I appreciate you both."

  "Go home," Sariah rubbed Sayori's arm comfortingly, "Take care of you."

  Smiling sadly, Sayori headed to her office to gather her belongings. Though hesitant to leave, Sayori knew that rest was needed—if she didn't get any soon, she was sure her body would begin to shut down.

  "Call me if you need anything," Sayori said as she locked up her office.

  "We won't," Vanni smiled, causing Sayori to stifle a laugh, "We have everything under control, Sayori."

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