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"I'm about to go to lunch," Imaan removed his work gear, "Call if you need me."

"Alright," His coworker, Brian, responded as he counted barrels, "Let me know what they have."

Imaan nodded, hanging his jacket on the wall before heading out to the cafeteria. His head hurt and his stomach was riddled with hunger pains—he hadn't been eating due to a lowered appetite. Imaan was used to it, being that his appetite disappears during his first few days on the water.

"You gon' get a real meal today?" Robert, the catering manager asked, "Startin' to think my food nasty."

"Man go head," Imaan laughed, handing him the plate, "Fix me up."

Robert placed the food on Imaan's plate—fried chicken, red beans, and a slice of cornbread, "You gon' eat good today, Mani."

"I'm knowing," He thanked Robert before heading to a nearby table. Blessing his food, he took a few bites before pulling out his phone. He smiled at Sayori's message—a picture of his grandfather. He smiled slightly at the camera, holding a handmade pillow with his name etched on the front.

Sayori 👩🏾‍⚕️: Look who decided to be social today! It only took an extra dessert after dinner.

: If you know like I know, you better make sure he has that extra dessert. He won't let you forget if you don't live up to it.

Sayori👩🏾‍⚕️: I definitely know. I'll have to sneak it to him so the others don't get jealous, even though they already know he's my favorite. I spoil him too much.

: I'm sure he's already let them know multiple times. He doesn't care what comes out of his mouth.

Sayori👩🏾‍⚕️: Mr. Archie is a character!

Oddly enough, Imaan thought about the small encounter with Sayori on more than one occasion. Clearly, Sayori had left a lasting impression on him—she carries herself in a manner that was rare to him.

Sayori was attractive in all aspects—from her work ethic to her looks. When he'd watched her take care of his grandfather, he was amazed at how easily it came to her. She didn't hesitate to ask him how he felt both medically and personally—something most would neglect to do. Though he wasn't sure how long she'd been a nurse, he would think she'd been in her field for years.

Physically, Sayori is beautiful. Her skin is a smooth, rich brown—radiant even under dim light. Her smile is warm and inviting, complimenting her pleasing, soft voice. He loved the way her natural coils framed her face or the shine her pressed hair held when it flowed down her back. However, what truly drew Imaan towards her, were her eyes. Sayori had deep brown eyes—the kind that went a shade or two lighter in the sunlight. He believed that a person's eyes were the windows to their soul, and behind hers, he could see everything.

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