Chapter 1

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"Ameria, are you gonna train with me today?!" A loud yell of Kili echoed through the halls, spooking the target of the scream.
"Holy giants-!" she yelped and turned to look at her disturber so fast that she cracked her neck, quite painfully, causing her to drop a curse or two in response.
"Ah i knew you would be glad to see me," the dwarf exclaimed as he caught up to annoyed Ameria.
"Define glad," she groaned and rolled her eyes at the grinning male who was now standing right infront of her, waiting for the half-elf to finish her muttering.
"Aw come on. We both know you like my company," he cooed but soon changed his expression, "Is your neck okay? The whole hall just heard the crack," he continued, trying to keep a straight face but failing to hide the obvious gleeful smile.
"Too much teasing might make you lose a leg, prince," Ameria replied as a smile danced on her face, creating dimples on her cheeks.
Kili stared at them for a moment, a smile appearing on his face too as he opened his mouth to speak again.
"As if you could make that happen."
Ameria felt the challenge coming from him as he smiled at her confidently, not breaking the eye contact.
His stare was burning into her and she couldn't help but look away so she wouldn't turn red from the attention.
"I know this is just a scheme to get me train with you Kili," she mumbled, still refusing to face him.
"Is it working?" He moved to stand where Ameria was looking, not letting her ignore him even in the slightest.
'It is.' She thought but refused to answer his question, only moving her head further from the attention wanting dwarf.
And so as Ameria moved away, Kili moved back to her field of view.
Some dwarves were walking past them behind Kili, noticing the unusual pair and they looked at each other curiously but they left quickly as Ameria saw them, not wanting to be confronted by the outcast.
"So what do you say? Can we train?" Kili asked once again, an obvious grin on his face as he watched the half-elf, patiently waiting for her answer.


"The prince is here again," an amused chuckle left from Ameria's father as he watched out of the window, seeing the familiar dwarf standing infront of their yard.
"Just ignore him," Ameria shouted from her room, fed up with the needy prince.
This has been going on for 2 long weeks now and Ameria was, quite frankly, getting tired of his constant begging.
At first she didn't mind but then he started showing up to her work and scaring her, probably on purpose, which made her drop the candles she was working on.
"If you say so," her father yelled back, shrugging the whole situation off as quickly as he became interested in it.
Ameria just sighed in response and walked to the window herself to make sure what her father said was indeed true.
Feeling bad for making the prince himself wait, she opened the door, capturing Kili's attention and his expression changed into a wide grin.
"Good to know that you're not trying to scare me this time," Ameria started, a playful smirk on her face as she walked closer to him.
"I have no idea what you're talking about my lady," he snickered, knowing damn well what she was talking about but choosing to play dumb as the half-elf rolled her eyes.
"Let me guess you're here to ask me to train again?" She questioned, already knowing the answer but still wanting to strike up a conversation with the dwarf.
"You know it," he just hummed in response, seemingly in a good mood again.
How did he always made it seem like they were living in the middle of paradise? Ameria didn't really understand that part of him but truth to be told, she felt really comfortable around him.
Shaking the thoughts off Ameria let out a frustrated sigh and turned to look at the peace disturber.
"Before i answer....why don't you train with your brother?"
Kili shrugged and looked at the ground for a second, seemingly finding the rocks more interesting than her.
"Fili's busy," he simply answered, looking kinda uncomfortable but Ameria shrugged it off, not mentioning anything about it anymore but instead shaked her head with a smile.
"Fine i will train with you. But after that you'll leave me be okay?"
Kili looked like an excited puppy as he heard the answer and began to cheer loudly, probably waking up the whole Thorin's hall.
"Yes! It's a promise!!" He yelled, already ready to start training, practically jumping up and down.
"I regret this already," she whispered but loud enough for Kili to hear and he turned to look at her with a grin.
"Bah! You could be crapping rocks," he scoffed as he leaned forward, making it obvious that he wasn't gonna back out.
"This feels like a troll's gift," she fired back, leaning closer to him as well, not wanting to be the cowardly one.
She felt Kili's breath on her face as they stared at each other, either one not wanting to lose.
His eyes were beautiful deep brown, like a solid oak or the autumn leaves. They reminded her of every tree in the forest when the sunset was lingering above them.
He smirked, noticing her stunned expression but soon realized how close they actually were to each other, causing his cheeks to get warm.
"Don't stare at me like that," he muttered, admitting his defeat as he looked away from the girl.
"Like what" she snickered at the now blushing Kili as he tried his best to play it cool.
"Forget it, must have been my imagination," he breathed out before collecting himself again and continuing, "Are we gonna start training immediately?"
Ameria raised her eyebrows at him and then looked down at her dress.
"Do i look like i can train right now?"
Kili looked at her up and down, not being able to hide an awkward smile on his face.
"Good point," was all he managed to spit out as he crossed his arms, thinking of a new plan but
Ameria shook her head and sighed, "I actually have some errands to do right now so we can think about this later,"
"Oh...! Can i keep you company? I don't have anything better to do so...." Kili answered, curiosity practically shining through him.
"Be my quest," Ameria simply said, not looking at the excited dwarf but still smiling to herself.


Curious eyes were lingering above the pair as Ameria was hunting for the ingredients for the dinner, Kili right beside her, babbling on and on about his past days as she listened every word, carefully taking a mental note on everything.
The halls were big and hollow, almost haunting but the lively chatter of the dwarves and uplifting music from the band made them feel more inviting.
Ameria noticed a familiar trader on the same spot as he always was and a small smile appeared on her face as she made a quick turn to go greet him, leaving Kili confused.
"Good to see you're still alive n' kicking lass," the trader greeted the taller half-elf with a warm smile as Ameria waved her hand to him.
"You can't get rid of me that easily," Ameria grinned back and started to go through her basket.
"Didn't know you were familiar with the prince, lass," he mumbled as they traded the items while Kili were watching from the sidelines, curious to see what she got.
Ameria shaked her head a bit and thanked the trader for the supplies, "I'm just helping him with something."
The trader just nodded his head, an understanding smile on his face as they said goodbye.
"What did ya get?" Kili questioned immediately as Ameria came back to where he waited, his eyes pretty much glued to the basket.
"Just ingredients for honey cake," Ameria responded, smiling happily as she was thinking the sweet taste of the cake already.
"You can bake?" He hopped to the other side of her, excitedly waiting for the response but instead just getting a flick on his forehead and a small laugh.
"What do you think genius? I'm done now but....thank you for the company," Ameria blurted out but immediately regained her composure, "Come to see me tomorrow so we can start the training okay?"
Kili, still massaging his forehead, nodded and thought for a moment before opening his mouth to speak, "Not in the morning right?"
"Not in the morning." Was all that Ameria answered before turning and leaving Kili grinning all the way to his ears, already excited about tomorrow.

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