Chapter 2

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"Are you absolutely sure we can use the training hall?" Ameria mumbled as she walked beside Kili, still worried that the dwarf might have been lying to her when he excitedly ran into her earlier in the morning, practically jumping up and down as he said they can use the official training hall.
"Don't you trust me?" He hummed in response as he stepped forward more lightly, trying to avoid making the floors squeak.
"I'm convinced you're gonna feed me to the giants truth to be told," she snickered as he stopped dead in his tracks, looking at the half-elf with an offended expression before he shrugged and kept going again.
"I mean you're not wrong," Kili said dismissively, as if he just didn't threathen Ameria with a good time.
"Well don't i just feel appreciated now," she chuckled as she adjusted her clothes again.
She isn't the one to get nervous by nothing but right now she felt a strong urge to escape.
Afterall she was going to train with the prince himself and she didn't want to make a fool out of herself infront of him.
"Really now? I thought it was the opposite," He mockingly laughed, nudging her side with his elbow, letting his eyes linger on her too long for her comfort.
"Don't mine a volcano," she rolled her eyes and hopped next to the dwarf, this time getting more close to him.
Kili noticed this, smiling to himself as he pretended not to see the girls obvious closeness .


The doors of the training halls were heavy and polished, not natural light shining to them but they still looked like they were glowing.
Truth to be told Ameria has never been here before since it was strictly meant for the warriors so she was, infact, excited as hell to finally be able to even stand infront of it.
"Are you ready or are just gonna keep shaking infront of the doors the whole time?" Kili turned around to face her as he was already the other side of the door, looking at the girl weirdly.
"It's just...i have never been here before," she mumbled before rushing next to him again, as if she was seeking safety from the new surroundings, not wanting to be left alone.
"Don't worry my lady i'll keep you safe," he cooed, coming closer to Ameria as he tried to wrap his arm around her shoulder.
"Touch me and i'll make you fly those stairs down, prince," she scoffed, flinching away from the dwarf, clearly getting uneasy as they were walking down a long and dark staircase.
The only lights visible here were the shimmer light of candles which gave a little, much to nothing, comfort.
It created a haunting atmosphere to the spot, definitely not making Ameria any more excited to be in here.
"Scared? I heard this staircase is haunted you know. It has all the spirits of fallen soldiers," Kili whispered, making a 'boo' noises as his fingers creeped towards her shoulders, "and you can almost feel their touch on your skin when you-"
"What are you doing here?"
"It's the ghosts!!!!" Ameria screamed like she was about to get cold-bloodedly murdered as she felt that her leg slipped from the stair, loosing her footing from the sheer panic just to be saved by an older, incredibly annoyed, looking dwarf.
She blinked for a second, watching her savior with widened eyes, as if to make sure that he was indeed real.
The older dwarf grumbled and pushed Ameria back to the safe spot as he looked at Kili frustrated.
"Sorry Dwalin, i think i forgot to tell you that i'm gonna train here with her today," Kili laughed awkwardly, fiddling his fingers as Dwalin's stare was burning a man-sized hole into him.
He just sighed in response, massaging his nose bridge before turning towards Ameria again, as she tapped his shoulder.
"Thank you for catching me," she bowed towards him, feeling her legs still shaking from the scare.
Dwalin just grunted an answer, not even bothering to try to form an actual sentence for her before he continued his way, leaving the pair standing in the middle of the stairs, confused and relieved.
"So that was Dwalin," Kili started, smiling a bit as he tried to hold in his chuckles.
Ignoring the small chuckles from him, Ameria turned to look at the direction where the dwarf went and hummed a bit,
"He seems strong."
Kili's ears perked up and he wiggled his eyebrows at her, "You ain't getting interested in good old Dwalin right?"
"At least he would win against me in a fight," she striked back, wiggling her eyebrows back at him as well before bursting out of laughter, Kili watching her with an amused look on his face.
"You're mocking me aren't you," he cooed, joining into the laughter with the girl as he shaked his head a bit.
"You already know my answer, prince," Ameria replied, as she flicked her hair away from her face to appear more confident than she actually was, "Let's go already i'm getting restless in here."

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