Chapter 7

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"Are you sure that's what she said?" Fili snickered, thrutfully enjoying his brother's confused state of mind as he was trying to come up with different reasons why Ameria could have said what she said.
"I'm no deaf brother! I know what i heard," Kili yelled back, but soon feeling the headache again as Fili shushed him angrily,
"And the whole hall just heard you." The older dwarf retorded back with a frustrated sigh, seeing his brother walk back and forth practically making a path into the floor at this point.
"....Wait where is she. You said she fell asleep on the floor- Kili you didn't leave her to die did you?" He suddenly remembered and soon could feel the utterly shocked expression of Kili even though he was behind him,
"I would never-! Yes i would. But not this time. I carried her to my room where she's still sleeping....probably."
"Probably?" Fili raised an amused eyebrow, finally turning to face his still stressed out brother who has stopped walking at this point,
"Yeah probably."
They stared at each other for a hot minute neither of them saying anything, filling the room with a waiting silence as they expected the other one to start talking first.
"Does Thorin know you brought her here?" Fili spit out suddenly, deep down wishing that he would get in trouble as he saw Kili's expression to change into a sheer horror, "I will take that as a no."
"He won't notice. Nor mind. And if he did i'm sure Meril will save me from his anger," Kili laughed awkwardly, clearly trying to find a good excuse for not getting in trouble as Fili tried his best not to chuckle at the situation.
"Ah yes hide behind Meril to stop Thorin, sounds familiar," he laughed before shaking his head as Kili let out a grumble of curses.
"Don't mine a volcano brother," he booed immediately in response and Fili raised an eyebrow at him before flashing a devilish smirk.
"I haven't heard you using that saying before you started to spend time with Ameria," he snickered and earned a punch to his shoulder from now blushing Kili.
"I see what you're trying to say brother," he hissed between his teeth as Fili's laughter filled the room fully, the sound of pure happiness echoing within the walls.
"i have no idea what you are talking about," Kili muttered, refusing to let his brother get the satisfaction of being right as he walked to the doors in a frustrated manner, "I'm gonna go check on her."
"Don't drool too much!"
"Go choke on a blunt helmet, brother."


Ameria groaned as she fought the urge to open her eyes when she sloppily woke up from her sleep slumber.
The bed felt harder than her own as she rolled around the sheets, trying to stay in the warm. She took a deep breath and realized the familiar and yet unfamiliar scent as it surrounded her fully.
'The bed smells like Kili,' Ameria muttered to herself, a small smile creeping on her lips as she finally fluttered her eyes open for a moment.
The room was dimly lit, just a few candles hanging from the ceiling, a few swords placed on the walls as in to brag about the collection.
There were few clothes and books scattered around and an empty mug laying on the table. Pretty much what Ameria would have expected his room to be like.
She sighed and rolled to her other side, closing her eyes again from being simply too exhausted to try to function as she let the sleep take over again just to be interrupted with a light knock on the door.
Not waiting for an answer the person cracked the door open, careful not to be too loud,
"Ameria? Are you awake?"
The half-elf sighed in relief as she regonized the deep voice of Kili and she greeted him groggily, barely getting up.
"No it's the spirit of my last eaten meal speaking," she muttered back and looked at the dwarf who moved beside her, smiling a bit.
"Ah boo i was hoping to speak with Ameria instead," Kili chuckled, deciding to play along as the half-elf got up in the sitting position and the dwarf's eyes widened for a split second before he laughed.
Ameria looked like a mess, her hair was all over the place and the bags under her eyes seemed to steal all the attention from her face.
"Shut up, prince," she grumbled, failing to hide the obvious look of mischief as she looked at him.
"Make me," he spat back, immediately regretting saying that as he felt a strong grib on his arm, pulling him to the bed with a force.
And soon enough he found himself laying below the smirking half-elf as she copied the wrist hold he did in their first time training,
"Are you sure you want to play this game...prince?" She muttered, the hot breath tickling Kili's ear as he tried to struggle free,
"I feel like i have made a mistake some sort."
Ameria snorted loudly at the statement and let go of the dwarf, flopping next to him in the bed, still facing him with a small smile which seemed to be more tired than anything else.
"Gave up so easily?" Kili snickered and turned to face the girl with a winning grin.
"Yes i did," the half-elf mumbled back, snuggling her face to his pillow as she was seeking the warm comfort of the bed again before placing just a one finger on top of his hand,
"Thank you Kili."
Kili's cheeks turned bright red as his smile fade away just for a second as his eyes wandered into his hand, "Anything for you Ameria. Do not mention it."
The girl chuckled at his expression but soon fell silent as she felt his hand grabbing hers, squeezing it tightly as they stayed like that for a long moment, enjoying each others presence until Ameria groaned, slowly gathering herself up.
"I need to check on my mother. I'm certain she's planning to leave and i want to have a last word before she does," The half-elf sighed, clearly actually not wanting to talk to her but her conscience saying otherwise, screaming louder than anything else in her head.
"I understand. Wait why is she leaving?" Kili raised an questioning eyebrow, now realizing that he doesn't know almost anything about her family.
Ameria stretched, groaning again as she got up from the bed, missing the comforting feeling immediately as it vanished, "She's probably going to follow my brother to wherever he is."
Kili hummed in an understanding matter but then stopped, turning to look at the girl with a fonfused expression, "You have a brother? Why haven't you told me?"
Ameria avoided eyecontact with the dwarf and sighed, "He left long time ago. I don't talk about him anymore but...maybe i'll tell you more about it later."
"You better tell me since now i'm indeed curious," he booed, getting up from his bed too and swiftly moving to her side, taking in the last bit of her presence before she would be gone.
"Oh mahal i'm going over the mountain," he thought, gritting his teeth as he got ready to escort the half-elf out.
"I swear i will," She chuckled and wiped some last nights dirt off of her as she opened the creaking heavy door, "And i apologize for hogging your bed like that. Very unladylike of me."
"I apologize but could you explain what you were doing with my nephew again through me?" A larger figure spoke up, clearly unamused but still keeping the stern, almost nonfeeling voice.
And just like that the expression of comfort and laughter changed into a pure horror on the pair as they realized that the King Thorin himself was standing infront of them, his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.
"Mahal save me," Ameria screamed inside her head and quickly turned to look at Kili whose face seemed to have lost every bit of color it ever had as his expression went completely blank.
She tried to stutter a sentence out but the intense stare of the King pretty much beat the living spirit out of her and instead she just backed away, beside Kili as in to seek protection until a light chuckle was heard from the end of the short hallway, "Thorin you're scaring the life out of them."
The fairly beautiful woman arrived at the scene, a small playful smile on her lips as she approached them, adjusting her crown.
"That was my intention Meril," Thorin scoffed and Kili immediately shook the panic off as he saw the woman, a relieved smile appearing on his face as he realized that they were safe,
"Do not worry uncle! Ameria just slept here since we drank some ale last night."
Thorin grumbled in response and looked over at the half-elf who at this point looked like she was never gonna breathe again as she was staring at the slighlty taller woman for the first time this close.
"So you are Ameria...daughter of Rorlum. I do am sorry for your loss," Meril turned at the girl, ignoring her grumpy King and bowing just slightly at her.
"I thank you for the words Queen but please do not bow to me," Ameria stuttered, shaking herself out of the shock just enough to answer, making Kili chuckle to see her like this but soon getting quiet again as Thorin glared at him.
"Take care of yourself Ameria. I believe we shall meet again soon," The queen smiled knowingly and gave Thorin a meaningful look before moving forward.
"So i'm going to escort her out and you can make me clean the hall afterwards," Kili immediately spoke up and pushed Ameria straight past the King without waiting for his answer.
Thorin looked at the rushing pair and sighed before turning to look at the direction where Meril went but surprisingly enough seeing her waiting for him in the little distance.
"Ruining the fun again i see," Thorin muttered as he walked beside her, giving her a small, almost unnoticiable smile.
"I don't know what you mean by that Thorin we had plenty of fun," she cooed and chuckled as she scooted just a bit closer to him as they walked away slowly, giving the side-eyes to each other.
"I'm telling you those two knuckleheads will cause somekind of trouble soon," The King grumbled, trying to think of solutions to the non-existing problems already and Meril sighed before shaking her head,
"Well. More or less likely but only time will tell."


"I did not realize King Thorin was that...scary up close," Ameria shivered as they got closer to her home, Kili laughing at her from freaking out.
"Oh Uncle Thorin is actually nice! He just likes to seem intimidating," He snorted, trying to play it cool as if he wasn't scared to the gates of death as well just few moments earlier.
"I wish you would sound more reassuring when you say that," The half-elf chuckled and punched lightly the dwarf on the arm before they stopped infront of the yard.
"Are you going to be okay? I know you don't show it or anything but you know-" Kili trailed off, the last night's moment rushing into his mind as he looked at the confused girl infront of him as he thought,
"I'll ask about it another time...i'm sure she doesn't even remember."
"Do not worry about me Kili," Ameria answered, shaking her head as she smiled just a bit, poking the dwarf into his forehead.
Kili groaned and poked her forehead in return as he grinned, "It is my job now."
The half-elfs ears twitched just a bit as she grumbled, looking away from the dwarf, "This seems like a troll's gift."
"It is."
The pair laughed for a minute before Ameria poked him again, telling him to go home for now since they would see each other again soon to which Kili groaned in displeasure but soon said his farewell to the half-elf before disappearing from her view.
Ameria watched as he went away just to be sure before she stepped inside her home, just to be greeted by a cold, abandoned house as the time seemed to stop ticking.
The air sat still and the silence was overpowering as she stepped forward, looking any clues where her mother would be.
A small letter peeked her interest on the table and she walked closer, grabbing it into her hands, scared at what she might find.
With shaky hands she opened the letter and read it slowly, her expression going blank.
Her knees grew weak and the bitter tears finally filled her eyes, making her vision blurry as she fell on her knees on the floor, grabbing the letter with her dear life as if it depends on it.
She screamed but no sound came out as she felt the tears running down freely, the pain surrounding her fully as she was shaking and scared, like a little girl who wouldn't know what to do now that she realized,
She was completely alone.

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