Chapter 4

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As Thorin listened Kili, explaining their encounter with the goblins, a flash of concern appeared on his stoic face.
There hasn't been any sightings of goblins since forever and hearing about them suddenly appearing again was troubling.
"Dwalin send the scouts to the west, if there were goblins it's not unlikely to find more of them." The king immediately ordered, desperately wanting to get rid of the problem before it has even fully began.
Dwalin bowed a bit without saying anything and excused himself quickly, rushing out of the hall to get the warriors ready but stopped for a hot second when he noticed Ameria leaning against one of the pillars.
He sighed and walked towards the clearly spooked half-elf and stood before her.
"Lass i heard you were with the prince when the goblins came, glad to see you're alive,"
Upon hearing him speak Ameria yelped, still on edge and quickly bowed to the warrior in a panic.
"Thank you for the worry i'm fine," she blurted out, refusing to meet his eyes as she kept her face down.
The images of the horrific scene replayed on her mind, creating an on going loop of the adrenaline rush and the feeling of fear, which was utterly visible from her body language.
Dwalin just raised his eyebrows slightly and shaked his head, "Those images won't leave your mind alone, Lass. But you can ease up now and let us warriors assure every dwarves safety."
Ameria answered with a small thank you and Dwalin patted her on the shoulder before continuing his way, leaving the half-elf alone again.
She sighed and a sudden feeling of forgetting something hit her.
Her hand immediately went to her pocket where she always kept the dagger her father gave her, just to feel nothing on it's usual place.
'Oh no oh no no no no,' she whimpered, starting to pat everywhere around herself,
'This can't be happening!'
That dagger meant everything to her which she swore to take care of and now it was gone just like that.
The sound of soft footsteps interrupted her thoughts and she looked up, seeing Kili approaching her in a thoughtful manner.
"So? What happened?" Ameria questioned immediately, deciding not to mention about her dagger to him.
"Uncle said he'll take care of this and we should not be worried about this anymore," he dismissively said as if he was already okay with everything that happened or that their newly found friendship didn't take any extra steps.
Ameria frowned at his attitude but bit her tongue, not saying anything about it yet, maybe he was affected but just wasn't willing to show it.
"Well glad to know that nothing major happened at all then, shall we train tomorrow again?" She blurted out, crossing her arms and impatiently tapping her foot on the floor.
Slightly taken back by the sudden bluntness Kili just nodded his head and massaged his neck, "...Yeah sounds good."
The pair stared at each other for a second, neither of them wanting to strike up a conversation about the previous happening in fear of seeming weak infront of the other.
Ameria sighed, giving up as she looked away from the dwarf, a visible disappointment showing on her expression.
"Later Kili, I think my parents are worried about me already so i should head home," she muttered and started to walk away from him, wanting to be anywhere else but here.


Kili stood in the spot for a moment, watching as the half-elf walked down to the hall, clearly heading towards the hall with the underground waterfall.
He thought for a second, realizing that the homesteads wasn't in that direction.
'"That's weird..." Kili mumbled before shrugging it off, not bearing his mind more about it for now since he was absolutely starving.
Quickly he made his way towards the dining hall, still catching the last clange of the direction where Ameria went.
"No no she's fine," he muttered to himself, not noticing Fili coming next to him with a curious glow in his eyes.
"Who's fine?"
"Mahal-!" Kili yelped, jumping back from his brother clearly spooked which made the older dwarf snort in amusement.
"Oh brother that jump, you should have seen yourself just now!" Fili snickered but soon got into more serious tone, "What are you worried about?"
The younger sibling sighed and shaked his head, not wanting to be a purden, "It's nothing brother, don't bear your mind with it."
Fili hummed in response, obviously not buying the excuse but shrugged it off, not wanting to press the answer out of him.
"Well if you're certain," he worded, thinking for a second and then adding, "Uncle wanted to see me for some reason, i will see you later okay? Don't get into too much trouble brother."
Kili just waved as Fili rushed towards the King's hall and continued his way, his thoughts interrupting him constantly.
He couldn't forget the feeling of when he held the half-elf in his arms as she was trembling and how his only thought was to protect her no matter the cost.
How she accepted the closeness and the feeling of comfort when she brushed her fingers through his hair.
'What stop thinking about that!' Kili yelled internally, shivering as he arrived at the dining hall. This was not the time to think about things like that.
"Now now what could i possibly eat...."

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