Chapter 5

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Ameria watched as her father Rorlum was sharpening his axe, humming excitedly.
Just couple of days earlier Dwalin's scouts found a goblin camp, northeast from the Thorin's hall and the King was determinded to eradicate the problem immediately with an assault, planning to destroy everything and slain every goblin.
So of course, Rorlum being a well known warrior got asked to be on this mission with the others to which he gladly said yes.
"It has been a long time since i got the opportunity to cut some goblin heads!" He roared, laughing with voice full of determination as if he has been waiting for this to happen.
"Don't you think we shouls find out why the goblins are here in the first place though? We should look into that first or we'll be in a worse trouble," Ameria questioned, her mind still buzzing from the past days, it going back and forth from Kili to the goblins and the dagger that she lost.
Her father raised an eyebrow and shaked his head, "I trust my Kings judgement and you should too Ameria. There's no need to worry i assure you."
The half-elf hummed in response, fiddling her fingers as she watched outside the window, clearly not buying the quick assault technique.
She had an uneasy lingering feeling of something bad happening soon but she just wasn't sure what was it and the incoming battle didn't make her feel any better.
Rorlum sighed and put his axe down carefully before sitting beside his daughter. He hated seeing her like this.
"Listen laddie, i know things have been kinda like giant's wedding lately but the water'll find it's own way down so you shouldn't bear your mind too much into it," he tried to calm her down as he took her hands into his, soothing the half-elf as she smiled a bit.
"Thank you father, i don't know what i would do without you," she muttered, glad that she had such a supportive person in her life who could make her feel like everything was going to be okay despite everything.
Rorlum chuckled and shaked his head before ruffling Ameria's hair, "Shucks your beard is longer than your years."
"I don't have a beard," Ameria deadpanned, not having any of her father's weird dwarf sayings.
"Or maybe it's just growing inside," He chuckled as he stroked his beard, trying to think of ways to get her mind off of the bad things when he suddenly clapped his hands together, "How about one match of sparring before i take my leave?"
Ameria's ears perked up and she smiled devilishly, she could never turn down a sparring with her father.
It has always been a great way to test how far she has come with her training, so instead of saying anything Ameria shot up from the chair and moved the furniture away from the room.
"Always moving with such haste i see," Rorlum laughed and helped her with the furniture before getting his axe, checking it out once more, "Take my spare axe from the cabinet so it's gonna be a fair fight."
"I don't think any of our fights have been a fair one since i was little." Ameria scoffed before taking the axe and quickly swinging it around to test how it feels.
"Are ye ready laddie?" Rorlum asked as he tightened his grip on the axe, ready to attack immediately.
The half-elf copied his stance and smiled, nodding slightly before charging in, starting the sparring.


"You've become stronger since last time," Rorlum smiled as he offered a hand to help Aneria up who just seconds earlier stumbled backwards and fell.
"Well i have been training a lot lately," she breathed out as she took his hand and got pulled up from the floor.
"With the prince huh?" He snickered, already knowing the answer but still wanting to see her reaction.
"No-! Yes and don't you dare to talk about it," she stuttered, waving her hands around in denial as if that would make anything better.
"As long as you don't overdo it," Her father hummed but then turned to her again,
"But the bottom line is that i'm proud of you Ameria," Rorlum ruffled her hair with a cheeky grin, resulting on Ameria feeling emotional as she smiled back at him.
"Thank you," she whispered but soon expression of worry took over her face, which her father noticed of course.
"Ameria you're worrying your mind into a breaking point," a soft feminine voice suddenly spoke up and the pair quickly looked at the newcomer.
"Sorry mother," she quickly answered and stepped aside as her mother went to greet Rorlum.
"Sidhwen dear, i'm glad you're here to see me into the battle," Rorlum laughed as she smiled warmly at him, caressing his cheek.
"Save that for when i'm away," Ameria's face schrunched in disgust and she quickly went to her own room, giving their parents some privacy.
She flopped down beside the window, thinking about her parents.
Their story always interested her, the way they met and how Rorlum saved her from the orcs beside her being an elf.
It's not like they just immediately fell in love either, it was full of hardships and disagreements but eventually they just couldn't help it anymore.
A sudden slam of the front door woke her up from her thoughts as she saw her father walk out, waving to her with a winning smile on his face. Ameria slowly waved back at him, wishing that everything was gonna go well for everyone.

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