Chapter 8

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There was nothing more than that.
Kili groaned as he woke up but soon a small smile appeared on his lips as he nuzzled his face on the sheets.
They still were holding a faint familiar smell of Ameria, surprisingly lot like cinnamon.
It was impossible not to get caught up to its aroma, at least it was impossible for him.
Groaning once again the dwarf rolled down from his bed, flopping down to the hard floor with a loud thud, refusing to get up regardless the pain the fall caused.
A loud knock was soon heard from outside, probably alarmed by the sound and he decided just to grumble an unknown answer in order to inform that he was still in the room.
"Brother? Are you well? I heard a bucket of lard just dropping to the floor from here and i wanted to check up on you," Fili's head popped up from behind the heavy door as he stepped inside, chuckling at the scene infront of his eyes, "So i wasn't that too far from the right answer."
"Go choke on a hammer brother," Kili let out a muffled sigh but soon noticed being lifted up by the said brother who laughed at the statement.
"What got you acting like a goblin today?"
"I haven't been able to train fully for days and it's making me frustrated," Kili muttered back, soon realizing he has made a terrible mistake of opening his mouth.
"You want to train? Why didn't you just say so?! Let's go alarm Dwalin to come spar with us!" Fili exclaimed loudly, slapping the younger brother on the back and soon started dragging him out despite his empty tries to protests as the lovely scenery of his warm, comfortable bed was quickly left behind.


Fili frowned as he stumbled backwards for a bit, trying to find his footing again before turning to look at his little brother who was loudly cheering and making winner poses before him.
Even Dwalin let out an amused sharp breath beside them before turning his attention to Kili.
"You have been training lately prince?" He asked, already knowing what he was going to say but still finding himself more or less curious of his answer.
"Oh yeah, a lot more than before," Kili scoffed as he turned to put the weapon back to the stand, clearly done with the practice as if his mind was already completely elsewhere.
"And still i had to let you win," Fili piped in chuckling in a humorous manner before he patted Kili on the back, "I'm proud of you brother."
Dwalin shaked his head and scoffed at the scene but as he looked away, a small smile appeared on his lips as he thought about his own brother.
He once again glanced at the younger dwarves. There was no noubt in his mind that they will achieve something great together someday.
"Enough of this sappy goblin dance. If you two are done with the sparing, go and make yourself useful somewhere else." Dwalin finally broke up his silence and scoffed at the brothers who quickly apologized, still chuckling.
"Sure we will go make ourselves really useful, in the kitchen. So useful," Fili laughed as a mischief grin got seemingly plastered on his face, nudging his brother in order to get him to move.
"Stop it you helmet," Kili whined but started walking forward to get Fili to stop the frustrating nudging, "though i'm going to see something first before i join you in the kitchen for some ale."
The older dwarf pushed the training halls doors open and sighed before a playful smirk yet again came on his lips as he snickered, " are you going to see the gals in the tavern or Ameria. I wonder."
"Har har, you're being an arse again Fili....goingtoseeAmeria," Kili mumbled the last part, curious but mostly annoyed at the fact that his brother knew him too well so he couldn't lie his way out of anything, "It won't take long. I think."
The older dwarf just chuckled and shaked his head before he twisted the other side of his moustache, "Don't get in trouble again i'm not covering you up from uncle Thorin's anger anymore."
"It was unavoidable anyway Fili," Kili just yelled over his shoulder and made his way towards the residental district quickly, already feeling his good mood to increase as he got closer to his destination.
Even his steps felt lighter as if all his troubles just dropped from his shoulders, making the dark halls light up more.
What a cliché.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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