#16 Time Trouble

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"Honey, I'm home." You yelled into the suburban house as you walked through the door and placed your coat on the wooden rack next to you.
"Hey babe. How was work?" Your girlfriend walked in from the living room and pulled you into a kiss.
"Good as it can be. Just glad it's the holiday now." You leant in for another kiss as you placed your briefcase by the coat rack and went into the living room with your girlfriend.

You both sat down on the sofa and placed your arm around her as she leant her head onto your shoulder. You used the remote to switch on the square television while looking down at your girlfriend. You've been with her for a while now and found comfort in just being around her and spending time with her.

"I love you y/n." She whispered in your ear with a smile as you turned to her and repeated the same.
"I love you too, Diana." It was true, you and Diana have been living together for around two to three years. Let's go back to where, or should I say when, it all started.

---3 Years Ago---

A blinding light was all you could remember after the ship was blowing up. You awoke face-flat in some sort of water still in your suit and all bloody. You were tired, very tired in fact. All you wanted was rest but you know you couldn't get that yet. The cold water splashed against you which gave a relaxing feel to it.

You used all your strength to push yourself up to see the place you were in. It was familiar, very familiar. You finally stood back up after struggling and saw people walking past, some with looks staring at you due to a bloody man dressed as a bat appeared out of nowhere. Yes, it all seemed familiar.

Just in front of you was a tower that you recognised well. A tall, thin white tower with a pointy top. The Washington monument. How were you in Washington DC? You were just over Newlands City and now here! Maybe the ship had an emergency teleportation? But there were no signs of destruction from the battle that just occurred.

Maybe you've been out for some time. No, otherwise the team would've found you by now. Think y/n, think. Everything had a brighter look to it and the one thing that stood out was the outfits that people were wearing. They were baggy, bright and colourful. Where were you, or when were you? You needed answers fast and did your best to sprint away while your injuries still haven't healed.

You ran across the many streets and through the crowds of unfamiliar people. They all gave you looks as you ran past and into an alley, you couldn't continue to look around while this injured. You found a bandage near you and used it to stop the bleeding for now.

Everyone walking past stared at you with terror or confusion. Maybe walking around dressed as a bat is a bad idea. But what other choice did you have. You couldn't risk revealing your identity while you didn't know where or when you were. Your gaze landed on a rack of newspapers outside a shop which made you stop entity and pick one up rapidly. The shopkeeper was worried and called the police while you stared at the paper outside.

You must be losing it or something. There's no way you're reading this right. The date of the paper says... 1984! You were in the past! How did this happen? As far as you knew, Brainiac dealt with space not time. Either you time travelled or in some sort of dream. Yeah the second one felt better. You continued to walk along the sidewalls to get a better understanding of the situation.

Outfits were definitely giving off 80's vibes as well as the many buildings and stores that looked very vintage. Cars were long instead of compact and bulky. The cinema you passed by was screening Ghostbusters, Karate Kid and Footloose. All this evidence convinced you that everything that was happening was real and no dream.

Questions began to litter your mind as your thoughts were cloudy while you tried to come up with a logical explanation. Nothing. You were caught off guard when sirens came into ear range and gradually got louder. The red and blue flashes approached you and pulled up just opposite.

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