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Finally, school is done and Yoshi and Junkyu's school decided to give them a week off. There were a lot of plans that were made by Yoshi. He is planning to drag Junkyu out of his house. Yoshi knows how homebody Junkyu is.

"It's just one movie." Junkyu is complaining how they can just watch a movie on Netflix. In his house, they can just do whatever they want to do.

"Yeah? It's not just a movie, it's a horror movie." Junkyu gave Yoshi a death glare as they were lined up for the foods and drinks. Yoshi just smiled at Junkyu.

"Are you scared?" Yoshi is teasing Junkyu. Junkyu pushed Yoshi away from him. "What a scaredy cat!"

"I am not." Junkyu is sulking, Yoshi put his arms around Junkyu's shoulder.

"We'll have fun, you'll see." Yoshi assured Junkyu. He just stared at Yoshi.


"Fuck." Junkyu whispered as the jumpscare appeared on the screen. Yoshi chuckled at Junkyu's reaction. "I'm gonna kill you after this, Yoshinori."

"As if you can go against me-" Junkyu held onto Yoshi's wrist, and put his head on Yoshi's shoulder.

Yoshi froze when Junkyu did that. Feeling butterflies in his stomach, heartbeat racing faster, and his hands are sweating.

"I swear, you're dead Yoshinori." Junkyu detached himself from Yoshi who cleared his throat and sat up properly.

"Whatever you say, Kim."

When the movie ended, Yoshi and Junkyu went to the washroom. Yoshi needed to pee and Junkyu waited for him outside the washroom. Going through his phone.

Junkyu got passed by a group of boys, he didn't notice them. He was too fixated on his phone. The guy with silver hair was in front of him.

"Hey." Junkyu flinched and looked up, seeing the guy with silver hair. "Are you by yourself?"

Heart beating fast, Junkyu stared at him for a long time. Is he really talking to me? Junkyu thought.

"Nope, I'm with a friend." Junkyu stuttered and watched this silver-haired guy smile at him.

"I'm Na Jaemin, by the way." Silver-haired guy named Jaemin introduced himself to Junkyu. He showed his palm to Junkyu.

"Hey, Junkyu's the name." Junkyu was shaking terribly when he accepted Jaemin's handshake.

"Can I have your number? I'd love to get to know you." Jaemin gave his phone to Junkyu, and he gladly accepted it.

"Yeah, here you go." Junkyu typed down his number and when he's done, he smiled at Jaemin.

Shit, shit, shit! Junkyu kept cussing in his mind. He is attracted to Jaemin. And here he is asking for Junkyu's number. Jaemin wanted to get to know Junkyu, he felt like he's in Cloud 9.

"Jaemin!" One of Jaemin's friends called him. "Let's go!"

Jaemin gave them a stare and looked back at Junkyu.

"I'll see you around, I guess." Jaemin smiled at Junkyu and he smiled back. Heartbeat still racing.

Junkyu didn't even notice jealous Yoshi who got out of the washroom. 

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