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A week goes by since Yoshi confessed what he felt towards Junkyu, but Junkyu still hasn't thought of a plan or how he would tell Jaemin what he feels towards him and his best friend.

Yeah, Jaemin, I fell in love with my best friend. I think I realized that when he hung out with Yoonbin a lot!

But he didn't want to hurt Jaemin's feelings.

"Junkyu!" Jaemin took a sit beside him. "What's up?"

Here it goes. Junkyu thought.

"Hey, well- uhm," Junkyu coughed while Jaemin smiled at him. "I've been wanting to tell you this, but Iactuallylikemybestfriend."

Junkyu told Jaemin what he's supposed to tell him quickly. "What?"

That's why he didn't caught what Junkyu said. "I actually lik my best friend."

Junkyu is afraid that Jaemin might get hurt, but he smiled instead.

"I knew it," Jaemin put his hands under the chin while talking to Junkyu. "Don't worry. I don't have that "deep" feelings for you."

"Huh, am I the only one who has this romantic feelings, then?" Junkyu was confused.

"I like you, but not the same as what I feel towards Renjun," Jaemin grinned at him while he said Renjun's name out loud. "Just like you, we're best friends."

Junkyu giggled. "That's interesting."

"Right? I thought I would get over him, but last night," Jaemin looked around the football grounds. "He told me he doesn't just love me as his best friend, but more than that."

"Cool." Junkyu pursed his lower lip. "Well, Yoshi confessed last week and I didn't want to tell him that I actually like him too, because I thought you had feelings for me."

Jaemin laughed and ruffled Junkyu's hair. "Now, tell him you like him."

"I will."

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