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"Yoshi.." Junkyu sauntered to Yoshi who is getting his duffel bag from his locker. Yoshi looked at him with a question.

"Hey, Junkyu." Yoshi greeted him as he closed his locker. "What's up?"

It's been bothering Junkyu. He smiled at his own best friend.

"Uhm... do you want to go at my house?" Junkyu was nervous of what his answer might be. He's hoping Yoshi is available right now. No interruptions, because Yoonbin is part of that football team along with Jaemin.

To be honest, Junkyu likes Jaemin a lot. But he's confused on what he feels right now, because he has been missing Yoshi a lot.

I can't live without Yoshi, to be honest.

"Yup, sure." Junkyu smiled brightly to his best friend. And they both walked together to the bus stop.

There was an awkward silence as they got on the bus and as they arrived to the village on where Junkyu lives.

Usually, they have a lot of things to talk about. But right now? No one spoke about what happened when they haven't talked for a week. No one spoke about how their feelings toward each other.



Both said at the same time, while they're standing in front of Junkyu's house. Yoshi smiled sheepishly on what just happened.

"You go first." Junkyu looked down and played with his fingers, trying to decrease the anxious feeling.

"Are you dating Yoonbin?" That question made Yoshi giggled. Junkyu looked up and gave him a glare. What's so funny about my question?

"Kyu..." Yoshi laughed a little as he said Junkyu's nickname. "Why did you come up with that question?"

Junkyu pursed his lower lip with his eyebrows furrowed. "You're supposed to answer my question."

"No," Yoshi answered. Making Junkyu sighed in relief. "How about you, are you dating Jaemin?"

Junkyu was about to answer, but Yoshi cut him off.

"Because if you do, I'll blame myself for being a fucking coward for not telling what I truly feel for you..."

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