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And two more days for Junkyu to confess his feelings to Yoshi. 

But he still hasn't composed anything, yet. He couldn't think of any lyrics, rhythm, or anything just to make Yoshi's heart flutter. Yes, he knows that Yoshi likes him. Both of them feel the same way for each other, but still, Junkyu wanted to make an effort.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" He asked himself as he tapped the pen on a blank sheet of paper. Jotting down some ideas, and later on scribbling it out. Junkyu seems confused and lost. "I'm panicking, what should I write down?"

Junkyu lets out a heavy sigh while he tried to do some research at the same time, writing. He didn't wanted to come out as something corny rather thoughtful and sweet. He doesn't want it to be a whole song, because he doesn't know if Yoshi is going to listen to the whole thing.

His phone rang that appeared with Yoshi's name on his phone screen. Junkyu suddenly dropped what he is doing and cleared his throat.

"Hey, Yoshi." Junkyu stuttered for a bit. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, you?" Yoshi asked. "Anyways, I have a question for you, if you're busy this Friday,"

Friday? The day I'm revealing my song for him.

I'm doomed. It takes me a week to finish a project. 

And this is the first time I'm having a mind block.

"U-uhm, not really. Why?"

"Well, I actually was planning to hang out with you all night. Is it okay with you?" An idea popped all of a sudden inside Junkyu's mind.

"That would be great actually," Junkyu uttered. "I have a question for you, by the way."

"Yeah, hit me, what is it?"

"I'm actually interested in composing a song," Junkyu was nervous to tell him this. "..and I need you to help me, or, let's just compose together."

Junkyu's heart beat was pounding so fast, as if it's going to pop out from his chest. He doesn't know how Yoshi will answer even he know him personally that he will surely say yes, but just two days ago, he saw Yoonbin approaching Yoshi. Making him smile the same way as Junkyu does.

"Sure," Yoshi accepted making Junkyu sigh of relief. "Let's compose a song together. You and I."

And with that, Junkyu couldn't wait for Friday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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