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"Because if you do, I'll blame myself for being a fucking coward for not telling what I truly feel for you..."

Junkyu stood there in silence, not knowing what to say.

"W-what do you mean?" Junkyu stuttered when he asked Yoshi. Yoshi played with the rocks on the side of the road using his right foot.

"Silly. I like you, for a long time now." Yoshi felt nervous confessing his feelings. But he wanted to tell him now.

It's fucking up his mind, because he knows Junkyu likes Jaemin. But of course, he didn't wanted to ruin what's in between.

"But didn't you hugged Yoonbin like last Friday?" He squinted his eyes toward Yoshi. "If you're not dating him, then you probably liked him again!"

Yoshi was amused. He grinned at Junkyu for being jealous about Yoonbin who is asking help, because he likes someone else.

"Baby, he likes someone else." Yoshi walked closer to Junkyu. "Do you think it's easy for me to get over you?"

Junkyu wanted to pass out after Yoshi calling him baby. What the fuck is that for? Junkyu thought. He pushed Yoshi. "Fuck off."

"Tell me you feel the same way, Junkyu." Yoshi was serious about it. Junkyu stood there pondering what he should do. He hasn't told Jaemin that he's losing his interest about him. That he actually likes Yoshi, but he keeps denying it that's why he couldn't stop thinking about Yoshi.

Junkyu shook his head. "I don't want to feel pressured right now."

"Hmm, why?"

"I can't just say I like you when I'm going out with Jaemin.." Junkyu felt embarrassed, because Yoshi knows how much Junkyu likes Jaemin and now he's going to tell him that he likes Yoshi?

Man, this is confusing for Junkyu. But it's normal to like two guys, but you shouldn't give someone a false impression just because you're interested in them.

Interested in them doesn't equal you wanted to date them. In Junkyu's case, he has an interest in Jaemin. But he wanted to date Yoshi.

"Understood." Yoshi nodded.

Junkyu and Yoshi went inside the house and acted like nothing happened. They watched movies like they used to, talked about what happened at school, and they didn't brought up the guys they like or liked.

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