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"He asked my fucking number," Junkyu was still not over about what happened last night. Yoshi was busy answering his Calculus assignment, while Junkyu kept Yoshi in company. "I don't have a crush at him, but why do I feel giddy?"

Yoshi looked at Junkyu who is drinking a vanilla milkshake while talking. Tsk. Typical Junkyu. Yoshi thought.

"Well, you probably like him now," Junkyu pouted and his eyebrows are furrowed while listening to Yoshi. "You kept smiling last night and you kept texting me how you can't fall asleep, because of what happened."

Junkyu doesn't want to say he like Jaemin, yet. He just wants to get to know him first, but when he asked Junkyu his number. He is overwhelmed about what just happened.

"Damn, I don't like that lesson." Junkyu was reffering to the Calculus assignment that is Yoshi answering. "Teach me how to do number 7, please."

Junkyu pulled Yoshi's sweater making him to at whining Junkyu. Yoshi snickered at how he acts. He's so cute.

"I'm trying to understand it too, Kim." Junkyu crossed his arms.

"I'll treat you after school!" This is what Junkyu does to get what he wants to Yoshi. He will do something to make him agree.

"Still no." Yoshi chuckeled when Junkyu stood up, acting like he's going to leave Yoshi. But he won't.

"Hey Junkyu." Both Yoshi and Junkyu looked at the person who just arrived. It's Jaemin with the duffle bag on his right shoulder. He was smiling widely to Junkyu and he looked at Yoshi.

"Hey, I'm Jaemin by the way." Jaemin introduced himself to confused Yoshi. But Yoshi didn't wanted to be rude to Jaemin so,

"I'm Yoshi, Junkyu's best friend." Junkyu couldn't take his eyes off of Jaemin. Both of them were staring too long to each other.

"Got any plans after school, Junkyu?" Junkyu's heart were thumping so fast. Yoshi stared at his nervous best friend.

"Uhm, Yoshi and I are dining out." Junkyu explained.

"Oh, I'll just text you after your dinner. We should make plans." Yoshi rolled his eyes secretly. What does he even want?

Uh-oh. It looks like Yoshi is jealous about Jaemin. He has noticed how Junkyu is secretly smiling when Jaemin looks away.

"Alright." Junkyu replied. Jaemin waved at him and walked away.

"You first Yoshi, before Jaemin!" Junkyu said in lower voice.

Yeah, but you like Jaemin though. Yoshi thought.

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