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Junkyu is planning a better way to confess his feelings to Yoshi than just telling him he likes him through text messages or when they have alone time together, he'll just blurt out that he likes him more than just a friend and he's not confused about liking Jaemin.

Should I take him out for a date? Should I buy him some gifts and tell him I like him? What's better? Junkyu keeps asking himself.

Should I ask my cousin for a help?

And that's where an idea popped inside his mind. He decided to message his closest cousin, Kim Doyoung. It's only Saturday when he decided to call him. He waited for the other line to ring and Doyoung immediately answered his phone call.

"Hey, Junkyu." Doyoung greeted, who is busy cooking a meal. "Why did you call me after 6 months? You finally remembered that you have a cousin?"

Junkyu rolled his eyes, "Dramatic for what? Wait- are you busy right now?

"I am. That's why I answered your call." Doyoung sarcastically replied. "Why are you bothering me, anyways? I'm busy cooking."

"You cook?" Junkyu faked a gasp. "I have a serious question for you."

"It better be serious or else I'm ending the call without your excuses."

"Yeah, can you just shut up for a sec?" Junkyu rolled his eyes and scratched his head. "I was saying.. or the question is; how do you tell someone you like them? Take them out on a date? Just tell them out of nowhere? Or, what? Help me out!"

Doyoung stopped cutting the meat and was surprised to hear Junkyu liking someone rather asking what to do to confess their feelings. He knows Junkyu doesn't do these kind of stuff, he will just tell what he truly feels to someone directly. Doyoung bit his lower lip and rested his elbow on the top of the counter.

"Doyoung?" There was a long silence when Junkyu asked about what to do or how to confess. "The fuck, why aren't you answering?"

"Fuck off, I'm thinking how to help you. And why the hell are you asking me in the first place?" Doyoung asked. "You usually tell someone you like them without even thinking about it. That's how I confessed to my boyfriend."

"Oh really? I remember Haruto told me that you ran off after telling him you love him."

"Can we just fucking bury that memory?" It was a funny story that Junkyu and Doyoung's boyfriend, Haruto couldn't forget. Doyoung the confident guy, suddenly chickened out after confessing his feelings towards Haruto. "I was wondering, who is this person?"

"I don't need to tell you, Doyoung."

"Okay, fine. I really don't know how to help you, probably just write that person a poem or compose a song for them?"

Compose a song for Yoshi?

Junkyu thought of composing a song for him, the other day. He remembered how much Yoshi loved music and he composes a lot of rap songs. It's one of the things that helps him eases his mind when he has some problems.

He doesn't know what will happen, but for Yoshi, he'll gladly do it.

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