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Yoshi enjoys everything he does with Yoonbin. It wasn't that difficult since they share the same hobbies and Yoonbin is an easy going person. Which is even more better.

But he misses his best friend, Junkyu. As much as he wants to be with him again, he seems to busy with Jaemin.

Junkyu is the type of person who doesn't really interact with other people that much and he just kept on relying on Yoshi. Yet here he is, found a new person who he can rely on other than Yoshi.

"You've been thinking so deeply these past few days," Yoonbin told him as he put the tray down filled with the food they ordered. "Something's bothering you?"

Yoshi wanted to tell Yoonbin on how he thinks about Junkyu often.

Not as my best friend, but someone I have loved for a long time now.

He smiled at Yoonbin and grabbed his burger and took a bite on it.

"Nope, I'm fine. These college stuffs are stressing me out," Yoonbin nodded on what he told him. "What are your plans after high school?"

Yoonbin looked at Yoshi for a long time. "I'll probably go back to Australia, since I haven't gone home there since I was 11 years old.."

"That's great. I haven't decided on anything yet."

"I have something to tell you." Yoshi looked at Yoonbin waiting for what he was about to say.

"I like you, a lot."

Yoshi should be jumping in joy, because he liked Yoonbin before. Who could've thought the guy he liked before confesses that he also likes him? He smiled at Yoonbin.

Junkyu on the other hand who entered the same fast food place as them was standing and watching them. It hurts him how Yoshi is smiling at Yoonbin.

The same smile that Yoshi gives at Junkyu.


NOTE: This story is going to be fast-paced! I hope it doesn't bother you. Sorry for not updating for a long time <3

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