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 ◈ ━━━━━━ 𝐙𝑶𝑳𝑫𝒀𝑪𝑲 ━━━━━━ ◈

❝𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗣𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿?❞

Kallumi stopped reading and looked at her side, to see attractive grey eyes looking at her while smiling innocently. Kallumi didn't say anything, and instead, just looked at the mysterious girl in confusion.

"Who are you?" She asked with her head tilted. Canary just smiled and bowed at her, "My name is canary, the new apprentice butler."

Canary has grey eyes and dark purple hair pulled into thick bunches, each tied with a string towards the tip, which vaguely resembles stars. She has a round face, a small nose, and thick lips. Her skin is dark brown. She wears the standard Zoldyck butler suit.

Kallumi just gave a nod then proceeded to read her book, while sitting on one of the branches next to Canary's post to entertain herself while waiting for her twin brother: Killua. He was assigned to assassinate someone right now, so she decided to wait for him before they start to train again.

Canary tried to strike conversations with her, but it always ended up with Kallumi shutting her down or just answering her questions with a simple "yes" to stop the conversation. Canary wanted to know her master better, but it seems Kallumi didn't want to.

Long minutes have passed and Kallumi was starting to get bored out of her mind, she had already finished the book she was reading so she didn't have anything to do but just sit on the big branch and wait. Canary had already gone to a different place on the mountain so she didn't have anyone to talk to in the meantime, "I shouldn't have shut her down..." she thought to herself, plopping her head unto the tall tree behind her.

And just as she was about to go down the branch and go home, she heard small footsteps going louder and louder. She rose her head up from the tree and looked to see who was walking closer to Canary's place. She saw Killua walking up to Canary's post and Illumi not too far away from Killua and Kallumi's tree.

They seem to have been talking so she decided to stay in her tree for a bit and go down when they're done. But it seems Illumi had noticed her. "Kallumi, get down there. Mom wanted to see you two." He said in his all too familiar emotionless tone. Kallumi didn't wanna go down yet, or even see her mother.

"But I don't want to see her yet...I don't want to wear puffy dresses yet." She quietly protested, she didn't like wearing puffy dresses. It had always made her body itch, and she hated the corsets either. Illumi just sighed and nodded before looking at Killua. "I don't want to ser either."

Illumi didn't say anything and just walked away from their sight, leaving Kallumi to go down the branch and Killua to look at her with a smile. "Took you long enough." She smiled, her eyes then averted to Canary standing not too far away from the two of them. Killua seems to notice her and looked at her side to see the girl Kallumi was looking at.

Canary just smiled and bowed at them, the same thing she did to Kallumi. The two didn't say anything, Killua just took Kallumi's hand and walked away from the Canary's sight leaving her confused.

They then went up to a big branch and sat there, Killua took two apples and gave the other one to Kallumi, who ribbed it first before eating. But before eating it, she noticed someone looking at the two of them. she looked down on the ground to see Canary bowing at them again...


"Did you need something?" Killua asked, Canary looked up from above and looked at killua, "I wanted to say hello." she smiled as she then looked at Kallumi, who didn't care about the conversation between her and Killua. "I also wanted to apologize to you for making you uncomfortable." this seems to pique the twin's interest since Killua looked at Kallumi with narrowed eyes, and furrowed brows. And Kallumi, who looked at Canary with soft eyes.

She went down the tree and patted her head, before going away. "Killua, I'm going back." Killua just nodded in response before you went away from the two's sight. She didn't want to see Killua sad, she knew he's going to befriend her. She also knew that their mother was watching them, and she hated it when Killua is sad so she just left the scene and went back to the manor...



⇾ Kallumi hates it when someone smiles a lot.

⇾ Illumi was disappointed when Kallumi didn't want to go back to the manor with him because he wanted to braid her hair again in her room.

⇾ Kallumi was sad when Sirius Black was killed.

A/n - I apologized for the very bad and bland chapter, i was in a rush. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐙𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐘𝐂𝐊 │ 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 (disc)Where stories live. Discover now