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◈ ━━━━━━ 𝑯𝑼𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹━━━━━━ ◈


it has been hours since we were locked up in this small room, and i could say it was quite peaceful, although they're maybe some ruckus over here and ruckus over there, but all in all it was peaceful...

i silently wrote in my book, until i heard Kurapika's voice 

"can't sleep?' kurapika questioned killua who was staring at space

"that's not it, i can go two or three days without sleep." killua stated

"ten hours have passed, huh....there aren't any windows so it's hard to tell. but it's probably morning."

"most likely"

Killua then stood up as he chuckled a bit before throwing a pillow at Gon's face, Gon ended up throwing the pillow back to Killua, as Killua sat there in confusion

killua then threw the pillow at gon more forceful, as gon woke up and threw the pillow back, turning into a war

"hey, pipe it down" leorio complained, making the duo stop as they laughed

just then tonpa's stinky foot came in contact with leorio as he complained again, making the five of us chuckle

"what's wrong with you guys?, that wasn't funny" leorio exclaimed, as he went towards tonpa's face

"bastard, you better not be pretending to sleep" leorio scarily said, as one of tonpa's eye opened

"damn, now i'm totally awake, and we still have forty hours left" leorio stated




it's been another day as leorio slept again, me and kurapika reading books, tonpa dazing off, and gon teaching killua his fishing rod skills.......

again, it was night time, killua and gon sleeping in the couch, me in kurapika's lap while he reads a book, and leorio watching tv..until he turned it off and slept on the other couch




it was then a new day, the duo's pillow fighting, tonpa's stinky foot in leorio's face while leorio's foot in tonpa's, while me and kurapika are happily reading...again


as time passed by, we were finally out of the small room, as we waited for tho door to open. as the door opened gon quickly ran..



"kurapika, applicant #404 is the twentieth, f/n, applicant #32 is the twenty-first to pass, killua, applicant #99 is the twenty-second to pass, gon, applicant #405, is the twenty-third to pass total time, seventy-two hours and fifty-nine minutes" the examiner announced

"my butt hurts...i din't expect a slide for the short and easy path"killua complained

"thirty second remains." the examiner announced

"that was really close."

"my hands are covered in blisters"

"same here"

"leorio, applicant #403, is the twenty-fourth to pass. tonpa, applicant #16, is the twenty-fifth to pass. total time, seventy- one hours and fifty-nine minutes" announced the examiner


"ladies and gentlemen, congratulations on having escaped trick tower, only the fourth and  final phase remains, the fourth phase will take place over there, on zevil island" he pointed through the island. 

"now let us proceed" he snap his fingers, making a man with yellow clothes walk with a box, as he stood in front of us

"i will need you to draw lots." many shocked noises were then heard

"lots?, for what" an applicant questioned

the examiner smirked " to determine who will hunt and who will be hunted, in here are twenty- five numbered cards, in other words your id is on the cards. now, i need you each to draw a card, in order by which you exited the tower, will the first person come forward?" the examiner explained

as all the applicants had took their draws, it was finally my turn, as i came towards the box. i took a card, as i looked through it




⇾ kallumi actually had read all of the books in the small room when she was 7.

⇾ kallumi is actually fluent in french

special: kallumi's favorite book is actually 'harry potter' and 'percy jackson' 

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