11| I Need A Ride

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I eat the greasy fast food I just ordered out from and stare at the screen of two reality show stars arguing over some dumb man. I would cringe at myself for lying on the couch with my tear stained face eating the worst foods to eat, health wise, but I didn't care. Today was my day off and I wanted to spend it crying alone. Well, almost alone.

After the incident with my mom occured, I went texted Jennie about the issue and she was on her way to see me. I knew that she was someone I wanted to see when I was feeling like this, but I was afraid she would only want me to quit my job.

I swallow another sip of cup of the sprite I was drinking when I hear a knock on my door. I lazily get up from my couch of despair and see Jennie dressed to go out. I look at her attire and realize she wants to go clubbing.

"No, no, no, no, no," I start, "Why?" She asks, a smile heard in her voice.

"I do not want to go out, Jennie." I say plopping myself back onto my spot on the cushioned seat.

"Why? This is the perfect time to, you're off from work and you're sad. The perfect mix to go out." She protests. I look at her, "No, it's most definitely not, Jennie." She smirks and starts to pulls me up, but I pull my arm away.

"Please Y/n. You never never go out anymore unless it's to Drinks Affair or to go grocery shopping. You need this." She says, reaching out for my arms again.

"Besides, your mom is pissed with you so this is the best way to keep knacking the bush. You can get totally wasted with me and have fun for once." She bats her eyelashes at me.

I think about how grossed out my mom looked at me and I thought that it didn't matter what she thought of me anymore. "I don't know," I start.

"Y/n, come on. I'll babysit you so no guys will bother you and I." She says smiling her smile that was impossible to say no to.

"Fine." I say and before I'm able to finish my word, she has already dragged me into my room to change.

While I do my makeup, Jennie is in my closet finding a dress for me to wear. "If I had all these clothes, I don't know what I would do with myself." She says admiring my closet.

When I finally finish brushing my hair and I turn around to the mirror to digest how I look and I freeze looking at myself. I'm beautiful. I'm wearing a slim tight red dress that barely covered my ass. It fit just the right places and I felt so confident looking at myself.

Jennie slides next to me and admires my look and smiles to me. "You're hot Y/n." She say and I blush from the comment, but continue to admire my fit physique.

Before I know it, Jennie and I are dancing in a club that I didn't recognize, but I didn't care because I was having fun. Well mostly because I was more than tipsy. Jennie and I grind against each other while we're laughing when suddenly, she whispers in my ear, "I'll be right back."

I was enjoying myself too much to be bothered by her going to go to the attractive fool who was checking her out since we'd gotten here. I continue to dance clumsily, until I feel the need for another drink.

I find myself at the bar and drinking something strong, not quite sure what it was, but it was good. My eyes roam the room and see Jennie talking to the guy, giggling with her arm roped around his arm. I laugh, knowing I probably look like an insane drunk girl, but I was happy for her.

For as long as I've known Jennie, she was introverted and avoided talking to as many people as she could, well until junior year of high school. That was when she realized that she was gorgeous and used it to attract men and women. Jennie was always by my side since we were children, so she knew how depressed I was when my father left, and how I built up a hard wall for so long, even from her. Jennie was someone though I had watched grow so much, was still the same Jennie who offered to give me her new doll when my dad had left.

The song changed and I see a familiar face dancing in the pool of people, sweat dripping his face. Jimin, shit. I couldn't be seen here by him or any of the other boys like this. I was flat out drunk and would embarrass myself in front of them if I spoke to them.

I turn around to go to the bathroom and hide, but it's too late and I'm hearing my name being called by the sweet kindled voice from behind me. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" He asks, his voice seemingly not too drunk from what I can tell.

"What are you doing here? You're always at the club I work at, why are you here?" I ask back, trying to sound as normal as possible. He laughs, most likely hearing my drunkenness through my words.

"We actually usually come here since the club and women are better, but your place has better drinks, and well, uh" His eyes scan my body. "You. But today you're place closes earlier than here so this place better since we're night owls." He laughs.

I nod my head trying to focus on what he just said to me. "So what are you doing here, are you here alone?" He asks. I shake my head even though it appears I am alone, Jennie is here. "No my friend is here, she's-" I stop realizing that Jennie is no longer talking to that guy from before, but is walking out with him from the other side of the club.

Oh crap. She was my ride, now what? As much as I love her, she can be a shitty friend. God.

I look back to Jimin and sigh, hoping he won't take advantage of me when I ask what I'm about to ask.

"Can I get a ride home?"

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