12| Side Of The Road

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Jimin eyes me for a moment and then looks back into the crowd. "Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. You probably have someone to take home," I say, not caring how rude I sound.

He laughs again and shakes his head. "No its fine, I'm wondering where Tae is. I don't wanna make you have to wait for us so I'll get him and we can be on our way." He says turning his attention back to the dancers.

I nod and shoot down another shot, this one hitting faster than the previous 3. I start dancing to the music, knowing I look goofy. I spin in circles when someone holds my shoulders to make me stop.

Taehyung's face feels so close as he looks at me annoyed. "God, you're wasted." He says looking at me grossed out by my drunken state. "Can I get a ride home, please?" I ask, my words stringing together. It obvious he's trying to hold back a laugh.

Jimin links arms with me as he leads me to his very expensive car. "Damn, this car is beautiful, I can't go in there." I say stepping back to look at how clean and precious it still was. "Why not?" Jimin asks, laughing at me.

"I look disgusting in comparison." I say with a straight face, but both boys burst into a shared laughter. "What'd I say?" I ask confused and Jimin helps me into the car, still laughing.

I rest my head against the window of the car while the two men sit in the front seats. "I can't believe you're forcing me to miss out on banging that hot chick in there," Tae turns back to look at me. "to babysit some girl who's plainly rude."

"Now you know how I feel." I shout from the back seat and Jimin laughs again and agrees with me. "So Y/n, where do you live?" Jimin asks as he starts driving.

I start to think as we start to go down the street when I feel sick from the fast motion. "I feel sick," I say, praying soberly I won't vomit in this car.

Lucky for me, neither does Jimin and he pulls over to the side of the road almost immediately. I step out and the toxic fluids that hours ago went down so easily, were now being thrown back up.

As the fluids are coming out, my hair gets lifted away from my face. "God, you're disgusting." Taehyung says as he moves the hair from my face. When I finally stop I look at him, "That's what my mom said to me today too," I smile at him before having to continue to puke onto the already dead grass.

When I finish, Tae helps me back into the car, this time not complaining or making any remarks towards me. Jimin looks like he's going to cry. "I'm sorry, I would've held your hair, but I can't handle the smell of vomit." Jimin apologizes to me.

I don't respond and instead lay down in the back seat. "So which way?" I hear Jimin ask, but my head hurts too much to respond and my body is tired, so I just close my eyes. "Should I take her to my place?" Jimin asks, but I can't hear Taehyung's response because I've already drifted into a dark slumber in the backseat of 2 customers from my nightclub.

We hit a bump and I wake up to hear the boys talking. "We're not supposed to get close to her if she's involved with him."

"What do you mean?"

"Well if she finds out from us we can get arrested for what we do to him. Plus I doubt she'll be happy about it."

"What is he to her?"

My eavesdropping ends when I fall back into the sleep I was previously in.

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