14| You're a Virgin?

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Jin and I walk in the grocery store while he grabs various foods. He pushes the shopping cart while I walk beside him.

"So, why did Jimin strand me at your house?" I ask, my attention focused mostly on the junk food.

"I think they believe I'd be most responsible with having a woman over and not fuck her." He responds eyeing the vegetables. My eyes widen and I look around to see if anyone heard what he said.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Well, you're quite beautiful Y/n," he says turning his head to me, "but you already knew that. So, don't be surprised that us men can barely control our urges when we're around you. Besides, isn't like your whole job to flirt, but never let it happen?"

"I mean I guess, but can't you guys not try to sleep with me every chance you get?" I ask.

"No," he reaches for something from the lower shelf, then pauses and looks at me again. "don't be so trusting of men, Y/n. Or people in general."

I actually am not trusting at all, but with them it's like I can't help myself. I know they're probably bad people, but I miss being able to not worry about getting hurt. I don't want to compare this to the abandonment from my dad, but I missed out on so much with having a wall up from everyone. Maybe I should let them hurt me, but have fun with it?

"Can you get the seasoning sauce over there," Jin asks, pointing to the top of one shelf, but mostly still focusing between two boxes, "thanks."

I decide not to protest, I mean I am the tag along and I've only been trouble. The least I can do I try to reach for a bottle of seasoning sauce from a shelf.

I look up to it and try to reach for it. It's higher up than I thought. I try again, but on my tippy toes this time. My fingers brisk the bottle, when Jin's body presses up against me. His hands rests on my waist, like he's steadying me. Then he uses his right hand to run up mine, slowly until it passes mine and grabs the bottle before I'm able to.

He breathes on my neck and legs nearly give out, but luckily he moves away. I take a breath, noticing I was holding mine that whole interaction. My hands rush up to my face and feel how hot they are.

"What the hell?" I ask angrily, in a whisper voice trying not to gain too much attention from the elderly woman walking past us.

"Whatever do you mean, pumpkin?" He asks, his tone is teasing me.

"I don't like that, I feel uncomfortable." I say looking down. He shifts around until he finally opens his mouth, "You act like you've never been touched before." He laughs, but I don't protest or argue with him.

"Are you a virgin?" He finally lowers his voice and I feel embarrassed, even though it wasn't something shameful, he made me feel like it was. I keep walking, trying to avoid this conversation. "Y/n,"

I turn around to be faced with Jin's handsome face, not smiling anymore. Something is written across his face, but I'm unable to read it. "Can," I breathe in, "can we please not talk about this anymore?" My voice came out so small.

From then on, we continued to shop and he spared me the embarrassment from talking about my sex life. We reach the register and the cashier is a girl with darker skin, close to mine. She looks young, maybe a high school student.

She rings up the food while simultaneously flirting with Jin, who doesn't appear to be too interested in her. I assume that it may be because she appears so young. He glances at me before reaching for my face and wipes under my eye, "Eyelash." he grins a cute, boyish smile. My heart stings and I stop myself from smiling back and instead look at the cashier.

Her flirtatious smile has dropped and instead is trying to get us to leave. Oh, he was just trying to make her stop flirting. My mistake.

When we're back in the car he starts asking about my virginity. "So, you've never been laid in your life?" He asks. "I have, I'm not a virgin." I lie, but he sees through it and calls me out. "You're a bad liar, Y/n. How come you are?" He asks, trying to get more answers.

"How about you start driving and I'll decide if I should tell you anything." I say looking around the parking lot.

He starts the car and places his arm behind my seat and starts to reverse, even from this angle he looks so attractive. He catches me staring, but doesn't say anything and instead smiles.

"So tell me," he began, "how did someone so beautiful like you, not get fucked the shit out of you?" He asks and the butterflies start again.

"I never wanted to, I never wanted to be in a relationship or have sex. Besides, I'm too busy to do any of that anyways." I explain firmly. He turns and his hands brace onto the steering wheel before letting the wheel go into place, his hands barely gripping it.

"Fair." He nods and seems to be satisfied with my answer. "But don't you feel like you're missing out on it? I mean, don't you have urges?"

I take a deep breathe and think about his question. I mean I never thought about that and maybe I did want that, but I don't know. "I don't know what I'm missing out on. Sex ed in school just made it sound like bad things come from sex, so why would I want to do that?"

"Oh, like kids?" Jin laughs. "Yeah, exactly." I respond, joining his laughter.

"Well, everything has consequences, but you can prevent them. Sex isn't something so bad and scary once you do it." He points out.

As much as I try to find fault in his explanation, I can't. I know that you can use protection, but the more I think about why I never had sex, the reasons make less and less sense.

"I guess you're right." I say, accepting defeat, surprising him.

"Oh, so can I fuck you?" He asks and I burst out laughing.

"I won't have sex with you. I've waited so long, I can keep waiting. If I meet the right person and we...." I decide not to finish my sentence and instead think of what it would be like to lose my virginity.

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