22| M'Lady

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"You're honestly so beautiful." Jimin compliments as I stare at the plant, soaking up the sunlight from above. I shake my head, not wanting to repeat what happened with Yoongi if that's what they're all in for, but the way he said those words felt genuine.

"How can someone as precious as you be a virgin?" He asks, making me freeze, but then I think of my conversation with Jin and Taehyung. I think I have to be careful of what I say to them because it's clear that they tell each other everything.

"I've answered that question so many times this week." I say deciding I don't need to explain anymore.

"How about birthday sex?" Jimin jokes, well I think it's a joke. I break and start laughing at his dumb flirt.

"Not sounding appealing for my first time," I say and he steps closer.

"I guess you're right. I wonder if having sex on birthdays are any good." He thinks out loud and I look back at him, "You've never had sex on your birthday?" I asked surprised, I was sure that they sleep with a girl every night.

"I'm not sure," He responds looking at the plant. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know when my birthday is. I was born on the streets and left there and was raised by the homeless and prostitutes." He expresses and my heart quivers. So they really did live through terrible childhoods.

I open my mouth to apologize but he stops me, "It's okay, you didn't know. Besides, not having a specific date makes me feel powerful. I never have to feel bad that someone forgot my birthday  and I can live my life everyday like it is." His smile giving a certain sadness, but feeling truthful.

"How can you do that?" I ask. "Celebrate my birthday? W-" I cut him off, "No, like that's something terrible, but you don't let it kill you. I felt sad because I didn't have anyone to spend it with, but here you are, finding the good in something bad."

He gives me a soft warm smile and pulls me into a hug. "I know people can say that my childhood was bad, but I didn't know. I lived my life how I did, and it was fine. When I grew up I realized it was bad, but worrying about the past like that won't help anyone I think." He explains and I feel myself hugging him harder.

I didn't live a terrible childhood, I didn't have a dad, but others had it worse. Why was I revolving my life upon someone who isn't there to take responsibility?

"Thank you." I whisper to him, smiling at the ridiculous amount of cologne he was wearing, but I didn't mind.

He pulls away for what felt like a lifetime, but his smile is authentic. "Shall we go back in m'lady?" He reaches his hand out and I hold it, "Why of course, m'lord." We laugh together and he holds the door for me dramatically bowing.

We re-enter the dark building, but Hoseok smile seems to brighten it up once he sees us. "You weirdos, the plant is going to die." He says wandering towards us. "We'll see," Jimin says, locking eyes with me, beaming.

"So what do I do now? Don't you all have to work right now?" I ask since the men in front of me were arguing about work moments ago. But before any of them can answer, someone from the opening elevator to our left answers for them.

"That's exactly what I was thinking, I mean what am I paying you all for?" Namjoon from the elevator asks, his voicing booming on the silent floor. The boys' eyes scatter from each other before they all fall on me.

"Hello Y/n." he greets me before glaring at the boys again, "What are you all doing? Get to work."

They all move to the elevator before Namjoon places his hand on the small of my back, gently leading me the elevator to follow them. They all press floor 5 and Namjoon presses floor 8. The boys get off once we reach their floor and they scatter to get to their offices, well aside from Taehyung who just looks annoyed.

"I didn't mean to get them all in trouble, they just wanted to greet me on my birthday." I say, finding excuses to save their asses. He looks at me at the corner of his eye, a small smile forming, "I mean, it is my birthday today, you know." I nod to him and he laughs lowly, shaking his head.

"You're a strange one, Y/n." He comments. "Everyone keeps saying that, but I think you guys are the weird ones." I argue, looking at the numbers at the top of the door, I can feel his eyes on me. "You're right." He finally agrees. I look over to him, but the door rings and opens for us to get off.

I follow him while he speaks, "You know, you shouldn't be here. It's not safe for someone as small and weak as you." He walks in front of me and I struggle to keep up with his long strides.

"I can handle all of that." I lie, just wanting to see what he'd say, but then he fully stops, making me bump into him. He turned to me and slouches down to meet my face closer, "You think so?" he questions, his eyes on my mouth. "Well, I mean I guess that would depend what it is." I stall and he exhales, grinning.

He turns back around and walks into a room and holds the door for me, waiting for me to enter. "Are you coming?" He asks, his voice not as kind as it was the first time we met in Drinks Affair, but I quickly go inside.

The room is dark along with the rest of the building, but there's a desk at the end of it and covered with papers. There's paintings of nude women on the wall I notice when I walk in, gazing at the walls.

"What do you think of my office?" He asks, walking to the seat behind the desk.

"It's too dark for my taste, it's hard to doing any work in here I think." I say, continuing to look around the room.

"Ah, I see." His eyes still watching me.

"So how was your hang out with Yoongi?" He asks and I don't bother to look at his face and instead walk to another painting towards a window.

"Nothing too exciting, we watched a movie and ate junk food." I say, sounding uninterested. The painting I'm staring at has a strange smell coming from it. There's a man being hung from a black stem from the ground, the floor is covered with skulls and is red.

"Really? Yoongi tends to be cold, hm." He says, but I step closer to the painting, the smell becoming stronger.

"Yeah..." The painting's odor overcoming me. I step again to look at the actions within the frame. Above the hanging man is a few figures standing with crowns, 7 figur-

"How has your birthday been? How old are you today?"

7 figures above the hanging man, the detail is undeniably strange. There's another person in the distance, their figure dark too. They're on their knees, like they're tied up, and-

"Y/n?" Namjoon's deep voice, making me jump and turning around to realize that he was closer than I intended. "Oh sorry, I got distracted." I apologize, "What did you ask?"

"How old are you?" His voice, lightening again, but his eyes are darker than I remembered. "23 today, I'm getting old, I can feel it. How about you?" I ask and he thinks for a moment. "26."

"Really? You look younger than me to be honest." I compliment to which his face smiles. "Thank you, Y/n." I smile back, but the smell from the painting is endured in my brain.

"So what are we doing for your day?" He asks returning to his seat.

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