38| She's Gone

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I cuddle closer to Hoseok who's gently rubbing the back of my head, "Even with puffy red eyes, you still seem to find a way to be beautiful." he comments, but I'm too drained to laugh. I hold him closers and bury my head in his chest.

He lifts me off the ground and carries me to a bed, not breaking my hug. Jin stumbles into the room with his recognizable laugh, before suddenly stopping when I assume Hobi glares at him.

"Hey, are you feeling?" Seokjin asks softly once he's near my ear.

I refuse to answer and just lay still. "She's not doing too well," Hobi says answering for me.

"Ah, well I'm sure once my handsome face is into view she'll instantly feel better." I scoff lightly at his attempt of making me feel better. "Hey, that's a reaction!" He practically shouts.

I push myself off of Hobi and look at Jin who's handsome face does indeed make me feel slightly better. "I like your hair like that." I say weakly, pushing his hair back and he grins.

"This face never fails," Jin says motioning to his face.

"Never fails to annoy me, hyung." Hobi says playfully.

Jin clenches his heart dramatically, "What?"


"What?" My breathing stops.

"Your mother was found this morning, ma'am." The officer repeats, but a ringing in my ears make things difficult hear.

"I don't understand." My voice shaking while I look towards the ground.

"We suspect it was a suicide so we wanted to know if your mother was feeling depressed for some time?" He continues, but my mind is still trying to grasp on the fact that my mother is gone.


"Y/n? What do you want to eat?" Jimin asks, walking into the room I'm in to see that I'm laying on the bed staring at the ceiling.

I don't respond and he comes closer, "Y/n? I'm going to help Mr. grumpy Jin cook since I accidentally broke his game controller. You should've seen his face when he found out, all 'I'm your hyung, but you have no respect for me.'" Jimin says laughing, crouching beside the bed.

I turn slowly and look at his angel face, but I don't say anything.

"I swear I can cook well, just tell me what you feel like eating, babe." He flirts, but then Jin from the other room shouts, "Are you telling Y/n that you can cook?"

"Of course not,"


"Of course not," I respond in disbelief. My mom was not depressed, was she? "My mom always kept busy and said feelings are for children."

"Sometimes burying those feelings can lead to issues later. Is there someone you can call? You shouldn't be alone at a time like this ma'am." He says, but I can't help but scoff.

"A time like this? Are you referring to the fact that my mother is dead and I can't even know why? I need to know where my mom is." I say trying to push past him, but he holds my forearm holding me.


"How lucky am I to have you sleep over at my work place so whenever I want to see a beautiful face I can easily come upstairs." Jungkook says, but I stiffen.

"What did you do today?" I ask dully, trying to speak more often, but it still hurts to talk.

"I was doing some paperwork with Namjoon since I'm good with numbers." He explains and I nod.

"What kind of paperwork?" I ask.

He leans over and bops my nose playfully, "That's confidential."

"I just wanna distract myself, Kookie." I complain and he nods his head, understandingly.

"We can go play video games and eat junk food, buttercup." He says wiggling his eyebrows.

"How about we go clubbing and get black out drunk," I suggest, but his smile drops, "No way."

Now it's my turn to frown, "Why?" I whine and he shakes his head.

"I don't want you to do something reckless."


"I don't want you to do something reckless." The officer argues, but I don't want to hear it.

"I need to see my mom, I don't know who you are. You're lying to me, liar. Where's my mom?" I cry out, tears start pouring out of my sockets.

"I'm gonna need you to call someone you trust at the moment, ma'am or I'm going to have take you to the station until someone responsible can take you home." He says sternly.

"I am responsible." I say and he scoffs, "Didn't you just say you ran a red light and something to do with an elderly woman?" he says, but it causes me to cry harder.

Finally I stand straight and look at him with glaring eyes knowing I can't go anywhere. "Ma'am please make things easier for both you and I. Call someone to pick you up or I will." He says and I oblige, taking my phone out.

I wait for the phone to ring several times before Yoongi answering after the 4th ring, "Hey you okay? You never call." He jokes and I freeze up listening to his sweet voice.

"Can you pick me up right now?" I ask, trying to disguise my crying voice, but it's clear.

"Okay, are you okay?" He asks, his voice now concerned.



"You're such a baby." Taehyung complains about my cuddling, although I know he secretly likes it because he hugs tighter.

"Thank you for this Tae," I say and he grunts in response.

"Hey Y/n- oh." Namjoon bursts into the room and looks at the position we're in, surprised.

Without moving Tae answers, "She asked to be cuddled and if I didn't I wouldn't hear the end of it."

"Ah, I see. Well, today is your mother's... funeral. I wanted to know if you were going." Namjoon continues, trying his best to be as sensitive as you can be when someone's mom died.

I sit up and sigh, "Who is hosting it?"

"I think it may be a her former co-worker." He says and my stomach sinks after hearing 'former'. I don't think I'll ever get used to that.

"Okay, thank you. I need a little more time, but I will try to go." I say and he nods, leaving me alone with Tae again.

"Do you think you'll be okay?" He asks, but I know if I answer then I'll cry.

"The last thing my mom said to me was that I was a slut and I was disgusting. That's the last thing I'll have of her." Tae reaches for my hand and rests it on mine.

"The last thing my dad said before he.... uhm... passed was that I was a useless piece of shit who was stupid. My mom said that I was a waste of time and only made her life terrible. I don't have pleasant memories, but I'm getting by. You will too, just forget those words because she doesn't want that to be the last thing you remember her by unlike my parents who didn't give a shit." Tae says holding me to his body and I exhale sinking into his arms.

"Can you guys come with?" I ask after a while of silence. He pulls away and scans my face, "Okay, only if that's what you want."

"Well, I'm asking aren't I?" I say, and he smiles lightly knowing I don't feel as bad as I did before.


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